I know many of you probably like to turn on the stereo as you lay down for bedtime. Most of you probably have a selection of music that you find conducive to sleeping, probably something comforting and relaxing.
Lately, I've been dozing off to the sounds of Sufjan Stevens' Illinois and Michigan as well as Mogwai's Young Team. I'm pretty familiar with both, so it's not like I'm bombarded with anything unexpected, and my mind remains pacified. Sufjan in particular has a very soothing quality for me. It's like his songs remind me things are still a-ok despite any negative circumstances. Usually by the 2nd to 4th track I'm out like a light.
As far as Mogwai goes, it's just really slow-paced music with a dreamlike quality, almost like the soundtrack to my own dreams.
I don't know about anyone else, but I actually have trouble going to sleep without some light sound stimulus, unless I'm just totally exhausted. If my mind is still pretty active, the silence can be maddening.