Yeah, but it's like we have any other outlet for community projects (by which I mean each person working on a chapter in a contiguous game, not each person being responsible for one field; i.e. graphics, music, et cetera) so why not use this as one? ALEX is for silly unrelated chapters, this should be for one story continued overall. I think most people did a pretty admirably job of keeping the story moving forward.
Kaempfer that is a horrible idea. this game is a horrible representation of GW. (or maybe a really good one... heh)
And no, I disagree, chain games are more like ALEX. What is the point of making it separate chains if each segment is not meant to show off the creator's individual style and methods? Which is basically ALEX.
Also, I "threw in a HUGE FUCKING WRENCH" on requests from people who had created earlier chapters because of this basically. You lost the whole chain game atmosphere. You do realize people were going back and changing peoples' individual "chains" in order to make the game cohesive? How the hell is it a chain game then? That only should be for working out bugs. Otherwise it's basically whoever is the last person working on it, is the person working on the game. The game is essentially subpar in almost every way (the writing is really shitty) except people are all like SUPER SERIOUS. I liked RPG's chapter. It was random, silly, and broke up the monotony of SUPER SERIOUS JRPG or whatever the hell.