oh for fuck's sake YOU CAN'T GRADE GAMES LIKE MATH what's wrong with you. there's no way you didn't see the intense flaw here.
hmmm well magical negro your paper was to include exactly seven unique five syllable words and you've only done six, gotta dock you two points for that, as well as not quite hitting the six page mark and going over, dock you another two.
when you grade a creative media you can never say it's perfect because (christ I can't believe I have to explain this) perfection cannot be created since people are imperfect and you can never satisfy everyone. GTA doing so well doesn't mean it's the BEST GAME EVER IT'S PERFECT or even that it's the best sandbox game ever but it means it's a damn fine specimen with few flaws that anyone with the slightest interest in the style of game can find.
a Christian reviewer would dock it for violence, panda probably will not play it much, and a blind man will hate it, but this doesn't mean you must suddenly give the game a 9.8 because it's not perfect across the board with every possible demographic.
Look man im not even trying to argue, i just stated my opinion and you get offended. Im just saying 10/10=perfect technically, yes
technically, and its natural for someone to think that the game is flawless. Try it for yourself, go to 5 random people and ask them what is 10/10 and i'll bet all of them say perfect. Its not really that serious...But to other matters, anyone know if there are going to be seasons?