"I yelled 'Gun!' and fired," he said. "In my mind, I knew (Guzman) had a gun."
Whoops, looks like you maybe were wrong.
I'm surprised more people aren't upset by this or that this isn't plastered all over the news.
Right now, on FOX news: A perky blonde is speaking with a man in Kentucky via phone about how he is protesting high gas prices by riding a horse. We leave this story and go to a story about how the Reverend Wright, the man who called the this country the United States of the KKK (Their words, not mine), is now saying that he was taken out of context.
Right now, on CNN: The Detectives giving a press conference. The black one thanks God and Jesus, the Judge for rendering a fair and just verdict, and his family. The second thanks his family, attorney, and the Judge for rendering a fair and just verdict. The other black one says sorry to Bell's family, which is... nice of him? He then proceeds to thanks God, the DA, the attorneys, his family, his colleagues. It sounds like an acceptance speech on an awards show. The Police Spokesperson talks about how cops have to deal with difficult situations (in this case, ones such as facing unarmed black folk), the head of the New York NAACP says that this was a gross injustice and somehow works the word "crap" into it, and then we leave this nasty business and cut to a story about Reverend Wright sitting down with Bill Moyer.