Oh, wow.
Basically man, I don't think I've ever TALKED TO YOU DIRECTLY MUCH or anything but you were always one of my favorite people on GW. in fact it's probable that you are one of the main reasons I like reading GW since you are just insanely active and I pretty much like everything you post.
keep on GOIN STRONG and you will be just fine.
when do you get a biopsy or something to verify what it is?
That’s right, you have the young gaming with the old(er), white people gaming with black people, men and women, Asian countries gaming with the EU, North Americans gaming with South Americans. Much like world sporting events like the Wolrd Cup, or the Olympics will bring together different nations in friendly competition, (note the recent Asian Cup; Iraq vs. Saudi Arabia, no violence there) we come together. The differences being, we are not divided by our nationalities and we do it 24-7, and on a personal level.
We are a community without borders and without colours, the spirit and diversity of the gaming community is one that should be looked up to, a spirit and diversity other groups should strive toward.