Topic: Morality of Meat Eaters (Read 5736 times)

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Yeah, i love my meat but factory farming and that? Horrible and unacceptabe.

Eat free range
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you guys have converted me

let's let animals run free (like they are supposed to be) and starve most of the world so that our slaughterhouses can be shut down and our immoral slaying of the free creatures of the universe for food can be put to an end

humans are worthless. animals before humans, bro

i guess it doesn't matter that one cow feeds my entire family for 6 months. can one tomato plant claim the same thing?

I'd say 75% or all of you have no idea what it's like to butcher an animal, and while I've never done it on the grand scale, I think you're assigning too much credit to these animals. Yeah, they feel pain. Do they feel pain like us? Maybe. Is one cow as important as one human? No.

Fuck your immorality bullshit. It's immoral to be a vegan because you're promoting the waste of good meat.
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i know exactly what it's like and it's pretty fucking gross and it only gets worse when you do it on a large scale but

that's a pretty long post to not be saying anything at all!
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Slaughterhouses are pretty horrible, thats true. Ive seen lots of videos that were pretty disturbing, with like employees torturing the animals just for kicks, zapping them around and laughing. But on the other hand, its hard to imagine a slaughter factory that would NOT be horrible. Its a place where living things come in, and wrapped products come out, how the hell could it be made "pretty"? Also it has to be pretty disturbing to work there. It can probably really change people, and probably in a bad way.
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We're the kings sitting at the top of the food pyramid. It's our job to eat everything below us. Animals slaughter each other and feed on each other, but are you going to capture every fucking North American Lynx and try converting them to vegetables because EATING RABBITS IS WRONG?

Feeding on other species has been around forever. It's a logical course of action that will remain with us for all of our existence. I don't care if there's a workaround to it. If animals suffer and want it to end, then I welcome them to come and fucking butcher me and eat me.

But that won't happen because we're on top of the pyramid.

Sure, animal slaughterhouses are gross, but it's part of the growing consumerism. Without slaughterhouses, grocery stores wouldn't be filled with all the meat people buy. Now though, that's another debate. IS CONSUMERISM BAD? OH JOLLY.

ps krinsdeath is a smart man: [18:07:10] <curtain> vegans and vegetarians give animals too much credit

remember that for they are wise words
Last Edit: June 01, 2008, 10:10:32 pm by Mr. L
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humans are worthless. animals before humans, bro
stfu, everything is essentially worthless, not just humans
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I luv meat, but to be honest if I was in the jungle I wouldn't have the heart to kill something and clean it, and eat it. I'd just eat fruits.

But I like to think of it this way:

It's already dead and packaged at the market...if I don't eat it, its going to waste :D
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I eat meat, yes. I do however find it horrible how animals are kept, in small stalls, etc. I guess you could call me a hypocrite then, but I don't know. I will still eat the meat, but I still do not like how the animals are treated. My sister recently decided to stop eating meat, I don't really know the reason why, but I don't think it was as much of a morality thing, but something just for her to be cool. (She's only 12). I think I might try it someday, not eat meat, maybe I'll not mind it, or maybe I'll never go back to it.

I am also not one for 'hunting' animals for fun, like "Let's go into the woods and shoot some squirrels" (Common where I live). But if it is for food, like a family taking a moose (Hunting with a permit) for a winters amount of food, I have no problem. The same goes for a survival situation, then I believe everything is fair game.
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slaughter houses are awful because the people in there aren't vegetarians
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Wait so what is the difference between vegetables and animals?  I'm serious.
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a nervous system.
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Either way you look at it animals die in the process of creating whatever you are eating. I don't really think there's a valid middle-ground between killing animals for convenience and being completely self-sufficient, if you are trying to push some kind of moral argument.
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a nervous system.

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But it takes an incredible amount of grain to produce a pound of Steak.

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Hahaha awesome a fellow vegan...welcome aboard my friend :)

Anyways, I think it is wrong to kill animals when it is UNNECESSARY.  Meaning, if you need to kill animals to survive (ie Mbuti people, Bushmen, Matses...etc) I think that is the way we were intended to live and that is fine.  They live in the rain forest or wherever and need meat to survive.  Here, it's really simple and possible to survive on a vegan lifestyle. 

because people who are nearest too nature, whether poor villagers or tribes, don't have any qualms about killing animals etc.
These type of people don't live close to nature they live in tune with nature, they are one with nature.  Hunter-gatherers societies kill only what they need for that time period (they don't store mass amounts of food as we do), for the most part they do not grow their own food via mass agriculture as we do (they hunt and gather, yes some do agriculture but not on a mass scale), they make sure the population of the species they are using still thrives (so it's assured that they will have an endless supply and that other creatures can have some of that supply).  They don't do shit like poison water systems and cut down forests...etc.  Fyi More than 100 species go extinct each day!

This is the way all animals in nature live (and humans are animals as well).

what are we supposed to do with all the cows and pigs we have? they don't really have a place in nature anymore, we don't have any natural place for the cows of today to live in. should we just take care of them anyway? that's jsut not very profitable. i think everyone and everything would like to live a little than not live at all.
Supply and demand.  The more vegans/vegetarians in the world the less animals needed to be raised for food.

If you eat meat, make sure you know where it's coming from.  Get organic, grass fed...make sure the animals are treated nice, never by meat from factory farms etc etc.
Last Edit: June 02, 2008, 12:45:27 am by Doktormartini
Dok Choy
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also better treated cows/chickens taste way better ~king of the hill, "raise the steaks"
brian chemicals
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WHELP i guess this threads over
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also better treated cows/chickens taste way better ~king of the hill, "raise the steaks"
I saw that episode lolz.  And yeah, this is pretty much true for anything (Organic apple tastes better than regular apple covered in Shellac (not vegan btw lol)).
Dok Choy
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But it takes an incredible amount of grain to produce a pound of Steak.


The grain fed to cattle is ABSOLUTE SHIT GRAIN though man!  We wouldn't be eating that grain ourselves anyway.  And the environmental impact cattle has is made by...cattle.  The only way to fix it is to NOT HAVE COWS ON THE EARTH.

Also as long as we're bringing up King of the Hill quotes:

"Bobby, did you know that the average person consumes five hundred chickens? That's enough chickens to feed an entire starving village. But they shouldn't eat them, because that's bad."
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The grain fed to cattle is ABSOLUTE SHIT GRAIN though man!  We wouldn't be eating that grain ourselves anyway.  And the environmental impact cattle has is made by...cattle.  The only way to fix it is to NOT HAVE COWS ON THE EARTH.

Also as long as we're bringing up King of the Hill quotes:

"Bobby, did you know that the average person consumes five hundred chickens? That's enough chickens to feed an entire starving village. But they shouldn't eat them, because that's bad."
So basically feed the animals shit food (which does get into their bodies and some transfers to ours) and then eat the animals that ate shit food?  Why not eat animals that were fed good food?
Dok Choy