I am looking for "Final Fantasy: Time and Again" created by Azrael. I played it an extremely long time ago (2004~2005) and was wondering if someone could be kind enough to upload it. The game was created with RPG Maker 2003 and was originally posted on War of the Magi (WotM). After doing searches on google and on additional RM communities, every download link I stumbled across is dead. If someone has the game stored somewhere, could they please upload it to the next-generation of RMers can enjoy this rgeat RM project?. Thank you.
Edit: here is some additional general information about it.
Set in Ivalice during the time of Final Fantasy 4, the game follows the story of Azrael, a dragoon of Baron, Lucien, a half-demon orphan from Mysidia, and Phae-Rel, an unbalanced psionic wanderer.
The game explores the religous and political aspects impacting the world that was only hinted at in Final Fantasy 4, with the backdrop of Azrael slowing realizing her powers as a time mage. The story was played as a Dungeons and Dragons campaign for over a year before we decided to make a game out of it, so the sotry is fleshed and the characters are well defined.
The synopsis of the story would take literally hours to tell, and will definitely over 30 hours playtime, with sidequests and minigames, in addition to boasting "The War of the Chosen", a climax to one episode of the story that will ambitously contain 32 characters.
Also, I apologize if this is in the wrong section.