we don't need more Cliffy B please god no
Also yes I do think it looks like an FPS made six years ago, as in, just a standard FPS. I may be crazy, but I do not think the genre hasn't made any movement what-so-ever beyond WALK FORWARD AND SHOOT and JUNGLE.....DIRT TUNNELS....in the past couple years. It has. I don't even look too harshly down on Boll, shit I was in that thread in Film Media calling people dumb for the petition thing if you remember that, because he's doing something he apparently loves and trying to sign some petition to remove him from doing something he LIKES even if most people with brains don't is a pretty terrible thing to do. I actually like one of his movies too (Heart of America, it was alright. Not great, but alright.), but the FPS genre has moved beyond JUNGLES and WALK FORWARD AND SHOOT IN TUNNELS. I mean, sure, you have a lot of games that are still like that, but then again we have a lot of platformers that are still overly generic platforming that could have probably passed for a 2D NES platformer.
If this game is shooting for completely fuck all average, then yes, it's good, I guess! But that's what I mean by it being good 6 years ago, 6 years ago (random #, but still a LONG TIME AGO) this would have been ABOVE AVERAGE because HEY WHOAH LOOK AT THOSE REALISTIC JUNGLES (graphics wise being toned down obviously) (LETS IGNORE THE BAD FRAMES PER SECOND) AND WHOAH TUNNELS, but they shouldn't be striving for completely fuck all average and I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt here and assuming they aren't trying to be average, which in that case makes the game PRETTY TERRIBLE because this game from the looks of it is just that: a completely average FPS that does nothing we haven't seen before with a terrible Frames Per Second and atypical Boll trailer advertising. If anything the industry needs a lot less completely average games, and just because there isn't a gajillion stand out people in the industry doesn't mean the consumer's shouldn't at least want more NOT-SO-AVERAGE games that at least take strides going somewhere new. Companies are already not wanting to take risks because the costs of developing a game are so high with the profit being low to completely non-existent (again, 95% of games don't turn a substantial profit for the company sooo), it's no wonder they feel more compelled to make these types of games if the consumer's are willing to accept this type of thing as ok and embrace them as such.
I'm sure it's going to be a completely average game that will at least make news because "heh Uwe Boll isn't as bad as game makking, 70/100", and I never once said otherwise! I just said it wouldn't be a good game, and I don't personally consider ON THE POINT 100% AVERAGE good. I consider it more of the same thing we've seen for years now because no one is really willing to break the FPS mold beyond System Shock 1&2, Half Life, Bioshock, and Deus Ex which all had pretty fantastic story telling that took strides going somewhere the genre itself doesn't do much of at all (System Shock most definitely) and other qualities that set them apart from everything else in that genre.
I'm just tired of seeing more of the same 24/7. But that's all this game is, and I don't like that and think it is a poor game for being average. Uwe Boll is at the least INTERESTING because he's a crazy mother fucker who doesn't really follow normal conventions and has that FUCK YOU MY SHIT RULES attitude. Even if his movies (99% of them) suck balls their is like this crazy buildup he has with INSANE and funny (funny in how sad they are, but still funny.) attempts to hype it (GENERAL UWE BOLL TALKING ABOUT POSTAL, BOXING WITH LOW TAX AND MICHAEL BAY) and the movie winds up being bad because it doesn't follow common movie standards or whatever. But this is just FPS in environments you've seen 10000 times already with guns you've seen 10000 times already, killing people you've already killed 10000 times already with stereotypical lines and accents, with any new ground breaking features being highly doubtful and I guarantee non-existent.
I agree though, if he went as a game designer first, he'd at least be average. But that's because the videogame industry is still very infant compared to something like the Film Industry which has been around for fuck all forever. It doesn't really have the same amount of standards or such, because people are still trying to sort out where the industry leads. PC gaming or Console gaming? If the latter, which console? If the former, what format and what DRM and what type of PC's should we really support to maximize profits? etc, even basic stuff like that isn't worked out, no one knows where the industry (and the profit) leads, and there's not many standards beyond the rating committees like the ESRB. Everything else is basically up to the devs and publishers to setup and figure out.