Just... wow. I picked up this game two days ago and managed to finish it in less than 4 hours! what the! I have not had a modern game that short in fucking ages (that said, I absolutely plow through games; Lost Odyssey in 22, Mass Effect with all sidequests in 27-28 (somewhere around there), etc) but jesus christ. The ending was all so anticlimatic, too. REALLY COOL set up like with the jump and the catch and thing but then it's just sort of OVER and it's like "what, no big boss fight???". I dunno, I was... severely underwhelmed.
Some sections of it were fun; coincidentally, I had the most fun with the game in the sections that were
a) outdoors
b) without enemies
the enemies were fucking terrible. Way overpowered in some cases (there's this bit in chapter 2 or 3 or 4 where you're coming up on a girder and suddenly FIVE DUDES storm you at once, and then later in chapter 8 you're in some factory or something. terrible). It's just a little unfair in times; not CHALLENGING, just UNJUSTIFIABLY DIFFICULT. And the inside sections were just boring as fuck. I have no idea why, but fuck.
God damn it. I really want to like this game but there is so much reason not to!