I saw this last night. I have an extreme hatred for this entire series. My friend said he'd pay for my ticket, so I'm like "okay, why not? i mean, at the very least i'll be slightly entertained!!!"
So I walk into the theatre. I'm like, "oh i want popcorn to distract me during this" so I leave, but the concession stand is CLOSED. I go back to the theatre and the movie starts.
And, actually, it was pretty ----------- man this movie blew huge monkey bowler hat chunks. It was SO BAD.
I saw the first Saw. And the third. I thought the first was pretty entertaining, and all I could think the whole movie was "AS YOU WISH" (princess bride everybody), but I was entertained. The third sucked huge donkey tits. This movie... Ugh.
It opens with a dude laying on a table, and he has to shove his hands into this contraption that will crush his hands into a pulp fiction or else the swinging axe will slice him in half! he has 30 seconds. Probably the least clever thing I have ever seen. So, he crushes his hands but the axe slices him anyways. Then the badguy comes in and CUTS AND JIGSAW PEICE OUT OF HIS SKIN. Preeeeeeeeeeeeeeety clever!!!
Then we are introduced, kinda, to Sylvester Stallone's little brother. He's like a detective for something. And then there's another police man that also happens to look exactly like Sylvester Stallone. So, the whole movie the only way to tell these two clowns apart is that one of them stabbed himself in the trachea with a pen so that he didn't drown and he has like a bandaid on his neck.
Basically, this movie sucked gigantic pikachu cheeks. I literally RAN out of the theater when the directors name came up at the end of the movie. I don't think I was ever so bored in my life. The acting. Oh man. THE ACTING. I like how one reviewer put it: "It's not a good sign when watching someone stick their hand into a table saw is easier than listening to them recite dialogue."
I don't know what I was expecting, but this was a terrible, terrible film. Everyone else in the theater loved it though.
Highlight of the movie is when I farted at a silent part of the movie - TWICE. The second one was like a higher pitched one. So it was like, *low fart* *wait one second* *high pitch fart lasting about a second*
Saw V. More like... Big Momma's House V. 0/5