Does anyone else find it a little convenient that this whole thing got started and continues without any sort of real intervention during a major transitional phase for the government of the United States? It's as if months of diplomacy was thrown out the window in an attempt by Israel to flaunt its might one last time before we get a new team in office that may have less of a tolerance for this kind of shit.
People in the United States also have to consider how this looks to other Arab countries in the world and whether or not it will effect our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unnecessary displays of power with acute disregard for human life in any sense of the word are exactly what gives these people a reason to fight us.
There are also reports now of rocket fire from Lebanon....Man, I really hope this doesn't turn into an even bigger debacle while the UN people sit on their hands and wait for consensus. HEY LETS WATCH ISRAEL GO RETARD STRONG AND DISSOLVE TWO BORDER COUNTRIES WITH LAZERS AND VOTE ON IT AFTER THE FACT.
Wait. They are attacking the UN now?
man, fuck israel.
A UN truck was hit by an Israeli tank and the driver was killed just minutes before a coordinated three-hour ceasefire so UN people could get aid to civilians and, you know, get the children who were staying by the side of their dead mothers to safety.