blink 182 is dumb adolescent trash that's marketed towards middle schoolers so if you listen to it and you're in your 20s then you should feel a little bad about yourself. it's kinda like adults who still give a shit about stupid children's anime cartoons or action figures or video games. it's hardly comparable to hipster indie music because at worst a lot of indie music is just kinda bad but at least the songs are not primarily written to appeal to 13 year olds.
it is more like marketed towards high schoolers, and the last time they released an album he was probably in high school. is it really surprising that he has some level of interest? i think this is more like adults who have an interest in shit they watched as kids. if someone said JAYCE AND THE WHEELED WARRIORS IS COMING BACK i would have some level of interest in this despite the old show being pretty dumb. should i be embarrassed about this? pink made a relatively good point which is, aside from the fact that it's kind of embarrassing for the and themselves considering they're in their 30s, to be making this kind of music, they are not very AMBITIOUS. they serve a purpose and they never try to make themselves out to be more than this. at worst, indie hipster music is just as musically uninteresting as blink 182 while being 10x more pretentious. i think the latter is more irritating.
also i don't think they're going to be good. they might be a lil above high school and into YOUNG COLLEGE POP PUNK. if you assume their audience is generally around a decade younger than them, it makes sense. or maybe it'll be more adolescent trash, as konix called it. who knows but like i said, everyone listens to at least ONE GAY THING. i don't care how often you listen to crystal castles or how dumb you KNOW they are, you don't really have any room to be calling his tastes embarrassing!