Sex blink 182 (Read 5111 times)

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im never wrong......
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his point is basically giving someone shit for blink 182 while furiously listening to NOW THATS WHAT I CALL INDIE VOL: IRRELEVANT is kind of annoying.

also blink 182 eats a bit more shit than they should. I mean I lolled at the thread because I don't buy this CHILDHOOD NOSTALGIA thing panda does and really who hears BLINK 182 FUCK YEA but they weren't some awful horrible band be embarassed you ever liked them...
brian chemicals
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it isn't people, it's just one person. while fp's first post was kinda bad, people here do this sort of thing a lot tho so you can see where he'd think it's OK. but blink blows and it's funny how eer made the thread here about this reunion he's really excited about while taking a stab at all us GW metalheads. it's a good joke.
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blink 182 is dumb adolescent trash that's marketed towards middle schoolers so if you listen to it and you're in your 20s then you should feel a little bad about yourself. it's kinda like adults who still give a shit about stupid children's anime cartoons or action figures or video games. it's hardly comparable to hipster indie music because at worst a lot of indie music is just kinda bad but at least the songs are not primarily written to appeal to 13 year olds.

I really hope this is not serious. Somebody should feel bad about themselves for liking a band? I don't understand what's peoples problem with letting people like what they want. Seriously dude there is no reason to be so harsh. People are allowed to like stupid children's anime, action figures, or video games, and hey, even shitty music, and they should not have to feel bad about it!
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standards basically. 'hey i am perfectly entitled to my tastes however dreadful and you're not allowed to say anything negative about it' does this not sound completely ridiculous to you?
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haha, my "favs" ok.

you know what, i'm genuinly curious as to what you guys think, please list out all the "horribly mediocre indie bands" i listen to in my top 20 since i listen to those most/they are my FAVS (other than does it offend you yeah),

here is my


Your favs are a pretty predictable assortment of complete shit with a few flakes of gold in it.

Apparently you listen to xiu xiu more than gang of four and there's really no excuse for that because xiuxiu is completely fuckin gay.
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standards basically. 'hey i am perfectly entitled to my tastes however dreadful and you're not allowed to say anything negative about it' does this not sound completely ridiculous to you?

That is ridiculous. But that is not what I'm saying.

Let me put it this way. I like listening to Blink 182. I know it is awful music. I really do. But I enjoy listening to it. Nowhere close to any of my favorite music, but if I get enjoyment out of it, why should I stop? Feel free to make fun of Blink 182, or any other shitty music. But telling someone to feel shitty about themselves because of their taste? Fuck off.
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Anyone who jams out to xiuxiu is in no position to hate on someone for liking blink182
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Let me put it this way. I like listening to Blink 182. I know it is awful music. I really do. But I enjoy listening to it. Nowhere close to any of my favorite music, but if I get enjoyment out of it, why should I stop? Feel free to make fun of Blink 182, or any other shitty music. But telling someone to feel shitty about themselves because of their taste? Fuck off.

not literally you baka! here if it makes you feel better i'll reshape that: Why do you like it? i'm sure you have some reason why you like the song, maybe it's the energy or groove or lyrics or whatever that entertains you?

i like shitty songs like Carouselambra from Led Zeppelin (it's from their last album (propably second-worst album, here's a hint: don't. read. the. lyrics!!) but for the reasons unrelated to the overal quality of song.

here's the thing: i am aware of how shitty this song is overally and i do tell it to people before i start talking about it. i don't give excuses to shitty songs! but there's a whole lot of people who don't really think what they listen or what makes the song or band worthwhile so they end up thinking dragonforce or idk trivium is actually a good band! or say "welp guilty pleasure"  or "idk, it's nostalgic... my childhood music...", that's lame!

basically answer: SLIPPERY SLOPE. don't go on thinking that your music taste can't be critisized, shitty music is not excusable!
goddamn this is so hard to explain i can see why you guys don't usually even try to most of the time. i still don't think i managed to completely explain it/sum my thoughts!
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Anyone who jams out to xiuxiu is in no position to hate on someone for liking blink182

I saw Xiu Xiu live because Shearwater was opening for them and it was so fucking boring and I made up some excuse so we could leave. the dude was just so loud and there was not a person in the audience I didn't want to hit.

Somebody should feel bad about themselves for liking a band?

you should feel bad for not having your tastes evolve since highschool.
brian chemicals
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yeah ok. i do see now why you don't bother, that kind of sums things much better than i ever did.  :welp:
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looks like ya takin a lil TOO much influence from my postin LoL *says in 1000 words what anyone sensible would say in 8*
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^^^^basically why i lurk more than anything now.

For a while i never really listened to Blink 182 outside of (I guess) their singles. This was back when I was a total snob and thought that pop music in any form was terrible and that in order to be good music must have depth and meaning and metaphors and lots of bull artsy shit in it. I got of my high horse and gave some of their albums a listen and found that it's just really good, catchy, pop punk music.

They got progressively better as they released albums, so I'm pretty excited about the reunion and maybe a new album. I'm for sure going to see them live when they tour, their shows always looked like fun.
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yeah you know us, we hate pop music.  Underground Or Death
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i was kinda gay for xiu xiu like 4-5 months ago so i listened excessively and now they're pretty high up my charts, oh wells.

also weakerthans' singer is p. annoying but at least they have pretty good lyrics  :welp:

bright eyes because my girlfriend has a (dying) obsession for oberst so she plays that shit whenever she's here.

i don't really feel like i should JUSTIFY what i listen to but yeah those are the reasons for those particular bands.

also asobi seksu's new album does suck really hard. i listened to it twice in hopes of it growing on me but no, it's just shit.
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whats up with people thinking there's even a topic concensus. HEH THIS IS WHY ID ONT POST ON GW what? because people have varied opinions?
brian chemicals
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i was kinda gay for xiu xiu like 4-5 months ago so i listened excessively and now they're pretty high up my charts, oh wells.

also weakerthans' singer is p. annoying but at least they have pretty good lyrics  :welp:

bright eyes because my girlfriend has a (dying) obsession for oberst so she plays that shit whenever she's here.

i don't really feel like i should JUSTIFY what i listen to but yeah those are the reasons for those particular bands.

also asobi seksu's new album does suck really hard. i listened to it twice in hopes of it growing on me but no, it's just shit.
you don't have to justify anything to us.  you should be able to justify it to yourself but you're the one who said FIND SHIT and hey, i found some shit.  i never said DAMNIT FLOWERPOWER.....EXPLAIN YOURSELF.  also i think the weakerthans' lyrics are generally pretty dickless and embarrassing to listen to (did you see the snippet i posted) and at best, maybe a step above deathcab.  i listened to them when i was 17 and i am embarrassed by this fact now, so again this is another case of my not thinking you have much room to talk since imo no one should listen to shit like that past HIGH SCHOOL either and you apparently do.
Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 09:26:44 pm by headphonics
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a laaaaaaaugh toooooo louuuud aaaand too long

or a plaaaaaace wheeere awwwwkwaaaaard belongs *is an awkward teen*
Last Edit: February 09, 2009, 09:27:27 pm by headphonics
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*or is he*

*nope he is*