I was browsing Digg tonight and found an article circulating, thought it would promote some discussion:
http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D984SLN80&show_article=1This Chicago couple has decided to shop exclusively at black-owned businesses for an entire year. I, personally, couldn't care less, but some folks are thinking this will start some kind of movement, while others are kind of pissed. Definitely a touchy subject. The couple says that the black entrepreneur community is under-represented, and they've gone as far as going without needed medications for an evening rather than shop at a "white" establishment to keep with their vows. I can understand their views, but the fact that they're practically boycotting any other establishment at their own expense baffles me. This might have been relevant during the desegregation era, but it seems kind of pointless now. Don't get me wrong, though, I think everyone should be aware of just who they're buying from, for better or worse. Just wondering what everyone thinks about this.