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caca in pantaloni
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once i dreamed that i was showered with wet earthworms from an undisclosed location like every 5 minutes
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I'm sure that will help some people but
XML sucks
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God's finest creation...a baby!
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arggg hopefully this is the last time I change the style of my game... I can acheive more depth without outlines in the background, so I think I'll do that. plus it looks more like an older adventure game. Maybe I'll do a video of the game because I've actually never made a video of my games before...

i can tell your style's changed a bit but i think the spirit is still there which is good, you should make that vid if you think you got enuff material
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i havent had any chips for like eight years or whatever and i'm inexplicably proud of this
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these are really strange but i think you should totally keep going, i think i like 'punk machine' the most
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Wait! I never got a chance to tell you my favorite FF character!
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that's really it, though. it's just a watered down version of system shock(lol)

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yeah like 90% of ss2

to be fair it's a lot better than the first, for me at least, hacking is a lot more interesting (remote darts) and there's a few sequences that are really interesting, i might actually finish this one unlike the first
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rename me buttkiller2.
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the array layer thing strikes me as something that seems important, but really isn't, mainly because the copying will work at practically the same speed and you won't need more than two "layers", so you can just use two 2d arrays for simplicity
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checking neighbouring cells should be like:

- left cell: current-1
- right cell: current+1
- top cell: current - the number of cells in a row (so 10 if your table is 10x10)
- bottom cell: same but with +

the diagonals would be combinations of those
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this x 100000000
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the pulse on my outer right thigh is fucking throbbing and i can feel and see it and i'm a little scared

that's just a muscle spasm buttkiller
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That is not at all what a focus attack dash cancel is.

focus attack dash cancel is when you hit the focus attack buttons (medium punch and medium kick) and dash forward or backward, thus using two bars of ex meter and canceling whatever move you were doing.


sagat does tiger uppercut > fadc> dash forward> forward+round house> ex fireball/ultra/nothing.


you are also wrong about uppercuts having armor breaking. a regular uppercut has no armor breaking properties at all. ex uppercuts of course have armor breaking, they are usually multiple hits.

to armor break a focus attack you either have to hit your opponent twice, or use a move like a hurricane kick that has armor breaking properties.

some ex moves can also be broken, like balrogs ex rush punch, rufus' galactic tornado breaks that.

don't listen to that guy, unless you want to be misinformed about street fighter 4

don't forget that any reversal move becomes an armor breaker, so a wakeup uppercut always breaks, probly why he thought they always armor break
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There's not much of a shortcut and you'll just have to play but most of the time you'll want to do this:

- jump in with a kick from the air trying not to get hit by them on the way down, as soon as you land do a normal punch/kick and try to cancel that into a special move if you can
- from a small distance cancel a crouching low/medium kick into a normal, this is good because they can only block it from a crouch
- focus attack charged all the way, if it hits dash forward (-> ->) and punch/kick into special move
- generic uppercut move if you have one if you see them jumping in or they won't get off you

i really suggest learning ryu because he can do all those things with excellence and you can figure out all the other characters from there


its not the type of game I feel dedicated to "get good" at.

actually it doesn't take that long and it gets fun pretty soon, beats grinding anyday imo.
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I played Planescape again a couple weeks ago and I'm sort of amazed at how I was able to sit through it when I was 12. I mean, this is Words: The Game. It actually sort of amazes me even more that I liked it so much back then, because I thought it was pretty fucking awful replaying it recently. The setting was cool, or I guess the idea of it,  the story (until the very end when you find out that your mortality is actually a living thing, which is dumb) is interesting, and it's neat how they actively avoided the most obvious fantasy tropes like dwarfs and elves or whatever, but they really fucked up with everything else.

The game's main problem is that it repeats everything to you 100 times. If you want to Play The Game Right, you have to talk to every single person in the game and ask them every single thing you can possibly ask them. I was literally told the specific way that the Lady of Pain imprisons people by 50 different people and it was worded only slightly differently each time. This applies to everything in the game. You have to talk to everyone, but very few of the people you talk to have anything unique to say. It's sort of like if instead of having one article for one subject on Wikipedia, there were 50 articles for each subject that all said roughly the same thing. The other problem is that most of the shit people tell you is lore, which is complete garbage. Lore is any information about the game world that doesn't actually relate to the game and there is a ridiculous amount of it. It's terrible man. Even items have pages of lore on them. A lot of it is information that could have potentially led to something interesting in the game, like the conflict between the githyanki and githzerai. You read probably 10 straight pages worth of text about it and it ultimately amounts to a brief confrontation with a githyanki calling Dak'kon a dog or something. Even the information that is relevant doesn't really mean anything. You can learn about the Godmen and what they are trying to do and what they stand for and their ideals, but you never find out what it means to be a Godman, even after you become one. In fact, nothing even changes when you become one. This is what all of the information in the game is like; you can read about it but you can never learn what it means or how it relates to anything.

So I guess when a game's positives are that it's not about dwarfs and elves, it's not such a good game. If you want to make a game that is literally an encyclopedia, you have to make the shit you're reading actually meaningful to what is occurring in front of you. To me, Planescape: Torment is a primer on how not to make a game.

I guess you didn't find all the lore interesting on its own which I think was the point of there being so much of it, I thought it was pretty good precisely because it wasn't there to try and plug ridiculous plot holes or to explain game mechanics that don't make sense like it often is, it was actually just being lore, sometimes it gets 'confirmed' by what goes on in the game but not always and i can't think why everything should.
I always thought it was a bit clever how they used the text resources as well as they could to add an ominous spin or whatever to the items you could use even if nothing actually happens in the game, like the last paragraph in this description -- http://www.gamebanshee.com/planescapetorment/equipment/images/boltsofkessekthedevourer.jpg
Is it really necessary that something bad happens if you use the bolts? The implication already provides most of the impact for minimal effort and that's hella artful, and there's better examples i think but i'm retarded.
Also there's a items that are important in puzzles and their description helps a lot, like the ice shard and a few more items from that same spot in the game.

Oh yeah and being a godsman lets you use 'godsmen only' weapons that have stat boosts for charisma and shit, which isn't mindblowing but this is still mostly a rpg where you make your stats go up and  equip items so-
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