she is the most annoying character...but at least that guys powers finaly came in handy for something.
Dude you are pretty dumb the purpose of a prison system is supposed to contain criminals that are a danger to society. THATS ALL! It is not our responsibility to make them pay or suffer for what they've done, only time and understanding of their actions can do that.
You are a fucking moron if you think lowering yourself to their level and allowing your government to act like animals to deal with animals is the RIGHT THING TO DO. It simply isn't! Nope, not their responsibility, not anyone's responsibility it isn't nope shut up nope not-eh eh ehehehehe shut up.
Now I believe that in some cases solitary confinement (in the sense of leaving a criminal who can't operate around others without getting violent, in a reinforced cell all by his lonesome until he can learn to stop being a fucking moron) is necessary for the protection of other criminals and prison staff but thats about as far as it goes.
I think having them work and get an education while their in the prison environment could really help shit out but no - LET THEM DO THE DANGEROUS SHIT AND HARD LABOR BECAUSE THEY AREN'T PEOPLE ANYMORE- that is stupid as hell.
Myra Hindley the infamous child murderer who died behind bars despite protests for her release. She suffered from dependant personality(perhaps caused by witnessing the death of her best friend at a young age?), was taken in and basically brainwashed by the dominating/charasmatic Ian Brady and basically acted out what he wanted, including horrific crimes. In prison after time and the brianwashing wore off she found religion, got educated showed absolute remorse for what she had commited. She was totally reformed and as an old woman posed no threat anymore. She wasn't allowed to go free.
She was used as an example by the government to show they were tough on crime by keeping her locked up. Why? Because the public hate her and see her as a face of evil rather than someone who was manipulated, and the government couldn't allow someone so hated to be allowed to go. An old dying woman kept locked up. She wasn't innocent, nobody will really claim she was, but she was a whole different person and one that deserved another chance.
Any deterrent has neglegable/no effect on violent crime, because of the mindset of people when commiting such crimes. But fuck it, let's isolate them all and not try to understand, and therefore be able to predict the causes for such problems.
People who are eligable to committing crimes worthy of a life-time sentence or death penalty in the first place don't necessarily grasp the idea of punishment to begin with, so I doubt that matters much.
Besides, USA which has much stricter sentences and far worse prisons have far higher crime rates than most European countries that have milder sentences and better prisons.
I mean can you seriously envision a no government society where criminals cannot atone for what they have done? Someone HAS to do it.
you've taken away someone's rights so we will take away yours.
jesus christ what the fuck do you care what a murderer is doing in jail cell as long as he's locked up for life? i couldn't care less if a child murder is sitting in his cell doing coke and fucking hookers every day as long as he's never able to commit the crime again.
because solitary confinement destroys your brain. no it's fucked up nobody has the right to do that to someone.
you're a sadistic asshole.
Oh my dear NB... prepare to be proved so VERY wrong.I have some bosses planned that are going to BLOW your MIND.
Each individual enemy character takes approx 8-9 events. Its all about the imagination, of which I have plenty.
i think this is kind of gross actually.
and i think this is literally the dumbest topic to ever be posted on GW. like way worse then girls vs. shoes. this guy is just going to COVER HIS ENTIRE BACK with a bunch of fucking satanic symbols and he has no idea what they mean, spending over a thousand dollars in the process.
welp i sure hope you post pictures when it's done
I recognize some of the symbols as zodiac stuff. They're not satanic or anything.
And that's my point, I wanna know what they mean BEFORE I do the tattoo. And if I don't like what they mean, I'll use similar symbols from the same origin, following the same pattern, but with a different meaning.
As for the practical stuff, of course I think tattoos should be taken really seriously, so if I decide to permanently scar a huge chunk of my body like that, pain and price are the least of my worries.
source? because this sounds bullshit to me. Besides, both of them are produced by warner so what are you talking about?
well I don't want to have any anime in my batman thanks
Batman and anime dont mix, at all.