HELLO AGAIN!Music Creation Interview: Scubacoaster/BunnymilkMUSIC INTERVIEW WITH A DUNCE I am one of those WASTES OF SPACE you hear about sometimes.
FYI I have been
pretty useless lately and this is my first article in six weeks!!! Missed me huh? Bunnymilk aka Scubacoaster aka Local dunce aka Conjugal_visit66 is an altogether self-recognized ‘waste of space’ and a former GW admin. He retired because you guys fuck him off so much he gave up on us : ) Scuba likes to play around with music stuff and we actually talked for ages about everything from GW ISSUES to FAVORITE MEMBERS.
Me: Sorry I have been so hard to contact lately!! Please do tell us about the man behind the legend!Scubacoaster: My real name is Marlon Brando which was either a sick joke by my parents or just a very unfortunate coincidence. Anyway I have grown up with no end of godfather jokes so don't make any.
Me: Hahaha wow that is the best! Except he is a frightening mobster and as a gw member you are probably very white/thin? Scubacoaster: I'm actually a bit of a porker. I was thin for ages but then I let myself go and now I really do look like Marlon Brando. All I do is eat food.
come up with your own jokes... Me: Marlon do you not work or anything!??Scubacoaster: I string between jobs. I have been a Marshall on a dirt bike track, a cinema projectionist, a GUY WHO WORKS IN A PRINTING PRESS (whatever the hell that job title is.) I have worked in a book shop and at the moment I am unemployed yeah.
Me: Do you not have a big plan or anything just yet? (This is some personal and totally unrelated to music subject matter!) Scubacoaster: Oh man, you sound like my Dad! I don't know, I'd like to be president, or a leech farmer or Dracula or something cool but not really. I spent my whole life saying HEY I WANT TO MAKE MUSIC AND BE A MUSICIAN and then slowly finding out that it is not going to happen ever! It was pretty depressing so now I sit here kind of self loathing my own music creation despite it being the only thing I really want to do with my life. Maybe I will kick it all and join the army or something.
Scubacoaster: Some cop-out job that allows me to just exist and then not exist when it's over.
Me: Maybe study to become an audio engineer so you can fuck around with music stuff all day. What instruments do you play?Scubacoaster: I started off on the drums. Me and a couple of pals in school started up this funk band and spent all our time dicking around and not actually making any music at all. We had some cool times and the highlight was selling out a 3000 seat theater which not many people get to do in their lives. Once that all packed up I picked up guitar and dicked around on that for a while. I did this battle of the bands thing as a joke with my pal Tommy (who some GW members have met) and we won two local awards for that and then it kind of died out and I decided to play the COMPUTER all on my own. I can play most things with some level of competence like Piano, Any stringed instrument etc but drums are my strong point and I can't touch anything which required LUNG power because years of smoke abuse have rendered me a wheezing mess and all I can produce is red face and a high pitched whine.
Kick smoking in the butt! Me: Did your olds get you into music? Scubacoaster: No! They were pretty supportive through most decisions in my life but my dad would rather I just got my act together and worked some dumb 9 - 5 office job like him and my mother (I have to say this because I can't say mum due to multicultural audience) has no interest in music at all. I guess the closest is my gramps who gave me my acoustic guitar and a bunch of Jimi Hendix albums.
Scubacoaster: ….Which I then let collect dust for years while I pursued my drum lessons.
Me: To be honest I'd prefer to be able to play instruments than have a shitty job. Do you have any cool music stuff planned at the moment and what type of music do you MAKE!Scubacoaster: I am working on Faceless pretty much all the time which is THEGAME that hundley/konix/gz are also working on. Also I don't really know how to classify the music I make by genre or anything but I make stuff on the computer using synths/samples and I think it's kind of neat. It never really sounds like the stuff I enjoy listening to but I guess it is some kind of ambient/electronic/trip-hop stuff.
Me: Yes I know about the Urban legend that is faceless, do you have any teaser tidbits you'd like to give us about its progress? How long is the game going to be all up?Scubacoaster: It is fucking gigantic I will tell you this much! Hundley has written this monster script which I am not going to spoil for him because he would throttle me probably. I would say it equals the length of any commercial RPG from the old PSX era but with much better writing. There is a point in the script (and bare in mind this is just words on paper without audio/visual aid) where
I literally jumped out of my seat and yelled at the screen in furious anger. I will also tell you a funny story about how a couple of weeks ago I was messing around with our development board and accidentally DELETED THE ENTIRE THING. We had all the information backed up but that was a horrifying experience where I cried to Dada over IRC, he will never let me live this down but it is kind of funny in retrospect. I would say the demo is very close to being AVAILABLE but as for the whole thing I'm not too sure. There is not really too much I can give away because the game has been shrouded in mystery for so long I kind of feel like I should not be hyping it at all.
Me: So other than music and crying over video games are there any other creative ways in which you express yourself!?Scubacoaster: Interpretive Dance.
Me: . . .Scubacoaster: Hahaha no really I like to mess around with PAINT STUFF sometimes but I am not good at all, it always comes out kind of abstract and weird. I also like Photography but I have nothing to really show for this at the moment. I mean my hobbies pretty much include MUSIC/PAINT/READBOOK/TAKEPHOTOGRAPH/PLAY TEAM FORTRESS 2.
Me: What’s your fave musical experience?Scubacoaster: Probably one of the live concerts I've done. I did this concert once where me and my friend Luke were both playing guitar and miraculously both pulled our leads out at the same time and scrambled to plug them back in. If it hadn't been ENTIRELY SYNCHRONOUS it would have been an amazing technical fuck up but instead it turned out like some kind of planned slapstick comedy and got a great response. It was a battle of the bands thing and we won! I think it was one of those things where we were judged by personality over technical skill. Either that or they had to pick one retarded band to give the prize to every year.
Me: Like a disabled persons music fund!!!?Scubacoaster: Yeah exactly like that...........
MEMBERS?Scubacoaster: Hahahaha, normally I would try and be nice and say something like I CAN'T ANSWER THAT! But fuck it I guess I will. I pretty much think Hundley is the best guy on GW. There are also dudes who I talk to ALL THE TIME like goat on a stick, rowain, goldenratio, couchfiend. I haven't spoken to either of them in a while but panda is definitely a TOP NOTCH guy and maybe you forgot him but idiotkid also. I am going to throw in disclaimer and say: IF YOU ARE MY PAL AND I DIDN'T MENTION YOU HERE SUCK AN EGG I CAN'T MENTION EVERYONE!!!! My least favourite members? Harry Manback because he photoshopped turds over one of my album covers once and is generally pretty annoying, suck my dick harry manback. I also hate all the jerks out there who get off and just being jerks to people and I pretty much hate all memes and shit so when those pop up I kind of have to take a step back and feel disgusted at people for a second. I don't feel so bad about talking about people behind their backs when I know it is going to be broadcast on the mainpage.
Me: Seems like there are a few people people who want harry manback to eat NUMEROUS cocks. Lets finish with some quickfire questions, Last thing you stole?Scubacoaster: Probably a YO YO or something.
Me: Current state of GW?Scubacoaster: Pretty messed up! Everyone is too cynical and angry and everyone is a jerk. People need to chill out and just have more fun.
Me: Favorite childhood band?Scubacoaster: When I was young my favorite band was THE OFFSPRING, I'm so glad you grow out of that shit.
Me: Current musical guilty pleasure? Scubacoaster: Jamiroquai and also The cure.
Me: Are you a big concert goer? Scubacoaster: I used to be, I used to go to all sorts. The best was RHCP Live in Hyde Park (maybe you heard the live album!?) Well I was there. The worst was probably DIMMU BORGIR, I don't even know why I went but it was pretty hilarious and my friend Tommy got beer canned over the back of the head. I also saw System of a Down but this was kind of reluctantly because some pals wanted to go and we ended up crashed out on someone's floor in London and missed our bus home the next day which was the day of our science GCSE. Also seeing James Brown before he died was HILARIOUS, an old man strutting around stage with a cape and a Zimmer frame going YEAH while the backing singers sang the song.
Try not to let Faceless get you down again man)
Scuba stuffScubacoaster music from his album Pulse:http://www.avalanchestudios.net/bunnymilk/02%20-%20BunnyMilk%20-%20LoFi%20Output.mp3http://www.avalanchestudios.net/bunnymilk/BunnyMilk%20-%20Snack%20Needles/Coffee%20Shop.mp3Scubacoaster artwork tomfoolery:http://www.scubacoaster.leafo.net/Pictures/bm_dog2.png