This is the best video game movie, yes.
I actually liked Super Mario Brothers Better.
I thought Max Payne was just stupid. The story didn't even make any sense. And i hate films that go for a PG-13 rating when it OBVIOUSLY should not be that. How do you convey drug abuse in a PG movie? By having them drink it instead.
I have no problems with Metal Gear Rising. Infact I have began to not give a shit about the Metal Gear Solid franchise because.
I mean they are fun.
But Im over it.
So much fucking talking and linear gameplay when all i want to do is choke fuckers out and hide in boxes. I mean all the hype for Metal gear solid 3 had me thinking you would be required to evade capture in massive sandboxy areas of jungle. And for the food and medical systems to be more than just a little gimmick tacked in there.
Then metal gear solid 4 had me thinking i would be stalking through MASSIVE sandboxy Iraq bombed cities in the middle of a warzone. Being able to play both sides of the field.
I am interested in the PSP Metal Gear though.
I really liked Metal Gear Ac!d and would like a realtime version of the game. I think it'd be fun. Portable ops was OK.