Topic: What are you playing? (Read 140669 times)

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Resident Evil 4 never started it yet though i will later today i'm playing this because ALOT of people i know said to play it and it owns 5 and stuff so i finally cracked.
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Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Waiting for Conviction to arrive on Friday :D
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Been playing Hitman: Blood Money a lot. It's pretty great, and so much more polished than the other games.

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The original shin megami tensei on snes fucking addictive nothing makes you feel more satisfied then owning jack frost or finally catching imp yeah this was so addicitve me and my friend stayed up playing it for 4 hours straight chatting about it on msn bragging about what monsters we caught and stuff really fun so far extremely underrated-the 1st person ticked me off at the start but now i like it any fan of smt games download this english patch it and play away.
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The only thing I'm playing consistently is FFXIII still. Should be done soon hopefully, since I'm on chapter 12.

I'll probably play a fair bit  of Super Street Fighter IV in two days time when it's released.
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anyone have a Game for me to play. all I have is a laptop and $0
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anyone have a Game for me to play. all I have is a laptop and $0
replay earthbound and mother 3
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I finished earthbound like a month ago but I could do mother 3 a second time and try to take it really slowly. right now it seems like every part of that game went by really quickly
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I got upto chapter 6 in Mother 3 my friend had my save and he deleted it so i didnt get around to finishing it though id like to but im playing Persona 4 at the moment.
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Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Waiting for Conviction to arrive on Friday :D

Conviction is not devoid of good ideas and good scenes, but it's really more action focused than all the other 4 games of the series. Kind of a shame since I liked the mechanics of the first four. I really dig the style of conviction but then again, the quality of the story it supports is, erm... debatable.
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Currently playing Monster Hunter Tri. Not bad so far, but the combat could be a little better.
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Oh man, I'm playing ACTION FIST and it hella rules.

Goddamn look at that shit. This is what videogames are about!!

holy crap that looks incredible. I wish I was on a windows computer or else i would play it right now. is it linear or metroidvania like cave story? because a metroidvania game with that kind of co-op shooting gameplay is one of the best premises for a game ever.
Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 09:46:45 am by Saleop
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It's a level based sidescroller. No metroidvania here folks.

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Action Fist looks amazing. Gotta give it a try when I get home. Can you play 2 player co-op over net?

Anyways, I've been replaying Crysis lately, and been playing GRID after finally getting it work on my PC.

big thanx to dragonslayer for sig!
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Codemasters are so good at making racing games. You should totally get DiRT/DiRT2 if you like Grid
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Action Fist looks amazing. Gotta give it a try when I get home. Can you play 2 player co-op over net?

Anyways, I've been replaying Crysis lately, and been playing GRID after finally getting it work on my PC.
Didn't get a chance to play 2 player mode yet, but from what i saw in the options it is offline only.
Also, yes it is awesome, but very linear and very short.
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Can you play 2 player co-op over net?

Not that I know of, which sucks. Two player co-op on a keyboard is hilarious though.
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Just finished episode one of the new Sam and Max season; it wasn't their best work, but it managed to have some of the best Max quotes. I don't know if I should play each episode as it comes out or wait until the end to play the rest.

I think the new episode was fantastic, but that's my taste. I think they really got the flow and progression right this time around. I also enjoy how the jokes are becoming increasingly edgy, it fits the style of the games. I also like to download each episode straight away when it arrives, because that makes me appreciate each episode more.

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AWWW FUCK I can't believe I missed so many awesome Steam Sales :(​.

I was only able to grab Midnight club 2 for 2.50... I also wanted bully and potentially manhunt...

Maybe they will repeat the sales...

anyways, I've been playing Mostly BC2 still. kicking ass on it... though I'll likely start of a single player game when I go home for the break.
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Playing lots and lots of Super Street Fighter 4. My hand was actually a bit sore today because I was really getting into it when I was playing online. I think I was gripping the controller too hard or something.

It's a wonderful fighter and is miles ahead of vanilla SF4.