Ok guys can anyone reccomend me a xbox 360 game (any genre) with a fun single player mode and a fun online mode?
Red Dead Redemption: Imagine GTA in a wild west setting where you don't have to be a dick... Or Crackdown with better graphics and cowboys instead of super heroes :/
Forza Motorsport 3: Forza 3 >>>>> Gran Tourismo (I haven't played GT5 though as I refuse to buy a demo).
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Decent on-line play, but the generic "Russians trying to bomb America with nukes" bull crap solo campaign.
Battle-Field: Bad Company 2: Much like MW2, only with humor and destructible environments which work really well.
BC2 also lacks MW2's killstreaks, which I actually find to be a good thing as it stops nuke boosting and makes things fairer (anyone can jump in the tanks on the maps).
Also, the ability to strategically blow holes in buildings allows you to create your own vantage points, making things less predictable.
Halo 3: Pretty meh in terms of campaign play, but the online isn't bad if anyone is still not playing Reach.
Halo: ODST: Better solo play than Halo 3 and it comes with the entire Halo 3 on-line mode (including DLC) on a bonus disc.
Halo: Reach: Bungie's final Halo game, and one of their best.
Dead Rising 2 Zombies + lawnmowers, chainsaws, swords, light sabers, flame throwers, bombs, axes, sledgehammers, etc. = FUN!!!
Saints Row 2: > GTA IV.
Fallout 3: Basically, Oblivion in the Fallout universe, with VATS and the usual Bethesda humor in place of the usual Fallout humor.