I got Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. This might be my favourite kind of metal gear nonsense. It's got the philosopher solider rogue gallery stuff, but dialled way up, as in accordance with the spirit of the rest of the game. There's probably a name for this genre of action, which is totally knowing of how ridiculous it is but embraces it nonetheless. Like the movie Dredd from last year, which I think everyone knows I loved. I get some similar smiles on my face from this game. MGR has the Metal Gear elements of comparatively high thematic complexity and sci-fi pulp mythology though. It's a lot of fun to get a long speech on why the final boss is a libertarian before you get into a cyborg swordfight with him. I wasn't expecting to enjoy the cutscenes as much as I do - some of it is actually funny, like, on purpose, and the conversations Raiden has with all the bosses in the leadup to the fights are usually not very predictable!
I'm stuck on the last fight at the moment. It's too hard and I can't be bothered with it - I wish I could just turn it down to easy mode or enter a cheat code for more healing items so I can get through it. Difficult end bosses are actually pretty annoying. The narrative momentum is at its greatest and then it just kind gets stopped dead in its track because his punches do too many % damage for me to handle and I lose interest and forget about all the narrative context.
I might come back to it tomorrow, probably will, and have another few goes at beating him, but if I can't do it I'll just watch the ending cutscene on youtube I guess. I did want to play through some levels again with everything unlocked, though.
The game is basically No More Heroes minus 95% of the pervy Otaku bullshit Swery is obsessed with, and where that leaves holes this game fills with 1st undergraduate political analysis and news summaries, which is an entertaining juxtaposition with all the speed techno metal music and pulp cyborg stuff.