Topic: What are you playing? (Read 140672 times)

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Game I've played most recently:
The Pokey the Penguin RPG.
Weirdly, it's actually quite a decent game. The system is pretty simple, but easy to work with (like limit breaks to pull of techniques and mp for everything else), and the narrative has me slightly interested. Admittedly, it makes a lot more sense than the webcom itself.
I bought Paolo (my other half) the pokey books for Christmas last year, and it was him who got me to play it. We've chuckled a large number of times thus far, and he's actively suggesting me playing more of it while he watches, so I guess that's a BIG THUMBS UP!!!
Other than that: Civ 5. Lots and lots of Civ 5...
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Game I've played most recently:
The Pokey the Penguin RPG.
Weirdly, it's actually quite a decent game. The system is pretty simple, but easy to work with (like limit breaks to pull of techniques and mp for everything else), and the narrative has me slightly interested. Admittedly, it makes a lot more sense than the webcom itself.
I bought Paolo (my other half) the pokey books for Christmas last year, and it was him who got me to play it. We've chuckled a large number of times thus far, and he's actively suggesting me playing more of it while he watches, so I guess that's a BIG THUMBS UP!!!
what??? i'm not familiar with this! do you have a link for this?? THE INTERNET IS CALLING YOU A LIAR!!!
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I got Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. This might be my favourite kind of metal gear nonsense. It's got the philosopher solider rogue gallery stuff, but dialled way up, as in accordance with the spirit of the rest of the game. There's probably a name for this genre of action, which is totally knowing of how ridiculous it is but embraces it nonetheless. Like the movie Dredd from last year, which I think everyone knows I loved. I get some similar smiles on my face from this game. MGR has the Metal Gear elements of comparatively high thematic complexity and sci-fi pulp mythology though. It's a lot of fun to get a long speech on why the final boss is a libertarian before you get into a cyborg swordfight with him. I wasn't expecting to enjoy the cutscenes as much as I do - some of it is actually funny, like, on purpose, and the conversations Raiden has with all the bosses in the leadup to the fights are usually not very predictable!
I'm stuck on the last fight at the moment. It's too hard and I can't be bothered with it - I wish I could just turn it down to easy mode or enter a cheat code for more healing items so I can get through it. Difficult end bosses are actually pretty annoying. The narrative momentum is at its greatest and then it just kind gets stopped dead in its track because his punches do too many % damage for me to handle and I lose interest and forget about all the narrative context.
I might come back to it tomorrow, probably will, and have another few goes at beating him, but if I can't do it I'll just watch the ending cutscene on youtube I guess. I did want to play through some levels again with everything unlocked, though.
The game is basically No More Heroes minus 95% of the pervy Otaku bullshit Swery is obsessed with, and where that leaves holes this game fills with 1st undergraduate political analysis and news summaries, which is an entertaining juxtaposition with all the speed techno metal music and pulp cyborg stuff.
Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 11:59:10 pm by jamie
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Game I've played most recently:
The Pokey the Penguin RPG.
Weirdly, it's actually quite a decent game. The system is pretty simple, but easy to work with (like limit breaks to pull of techniques and mp for everything else), and the narrative has me slightly interested. Admittedly, it makes a lot more sense than the webcom itself.
I bought Paolo (my other half) the pokey books for Christmas last year, and it was him who got me to play it. We've chuckled a large number of times thus far, and he's actively suggesting me playing more of it while he watches, so I guess that's a BIG THUMBS UP!!!
what??? i'm not familiar with this! do you have a link for this?? THE INTERNET IS CALLING YOU A LIAR!!!
Dude, it's directly on the POKEY WEBSITE!
This is a link to HALL OF WHIMSY at POKEYSITE.
Secondly you must click POKEY QUEST; It is above link: OBTAIN BOOK.
Then: Game. 
Last Edit: July 25, 2013, 08:58:38 am by Faust
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Dude, it's directly on the POKEY WEBSITE!
This is a link to HALL OF WHIMSY at POKEYSITE.
Secondly you must click POKEY QUEST; It is above link: OBTAIN BOOK.
Then: Game. 
this is a humiliating turn of events!!!! like not thinking of looking inside the chicken for the missing eggs.

thanks for this link! this game is actually rather good.
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My favourite part is how you only get three letters to name skeptopotamus, when all the others have enough letters for their original names :(​. Skeptopotamus is neglected again.
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Mercenary Kings is the probably the best pulled off Generic Game i've played. There's a lot I hate about it (grinding, loot, etc.) but it's all towards a common goal of base dumb fun. I'm looking forward to trying it out multiplayer, and I have a feeling there's local multiplayer too so it gives me yet another reason to pick up a new x360 pad. Paul Roberston's animations are super juicy as usual, giving a really metal slug vibe, and again it's no masterpiece (I could talk forever about why his work is bad) but serves the theme of the game perfectly.
It basically screams "Don't think about this game critically!!"
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I played zineth yesterday and basically i can't make games
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you totally can
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I googled it and it basically doesn't look that impressive it's just some playstation graphics run through an AWESOME filter
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Mercenary Kings is the probably the best pulled off Generic Game i've played. There's a lot I hate about it (grinding, loot, etc.) but it's all towards a common goal of base dumb fun. I'm looking forward to trying it out multiplayer, and I have a feeling there's local multiplayer too so it gives me yet another reason to pick up a new x360 pad. Paul Roberston's animations are super juicy as usual, giving a really metal slug vibe, and again it's no masterpiece (I could talk forever about why his work is bad) but serves the theme of the game perfectly.
It basically screams "Don't think about this game critically!!"
Well the game is still a work in progress also I was just able to start The Last of Us due to my PS3 which had to get repairs. So far so good it seems to be a beast of a game and deserves game of the year.
Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 08:53:57 pm by DDay
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I just played through Shadowrun Returns. It has kind of an uneven balance between really railroaded point and click adventure style game play and turn based strategy. It's enjoyable and works to tell the story but I would have enjoyed a little more space to go on side quests and explore. The first 80% of it is like a cakewalk and then in the last bit it stops fucking around and becomes a fairly challenging strategy game. The story starts out pretty cool but the change in plot from murder mystery to kind of fell flat for me. Overall it was a pretty cool little game and I look forward to what the community does with the mod tools.
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lastron on Android OS . 

Shit is sick, its gunbound/Worms for your phone .   online play n all
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the last of us is probably the best game i have played this year, yeah. took me a while to beat too.
finally beat xenoblade after 2 years, two saves and 170 hours. definitely the best jrpg i have played in years. hopefully the sequel won't disappoint!
and been playing original suikoden as well, almost done with it. been wanting to replay whole series (minus suikoden 4) since it's been a while i played any of them.
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That's all I wanted to say really. Suikoden. It is like a summoning spell.
PS: I need to replay Suikoden IV so I can play Suikoden Tactics ;_;. I've had that game for years and never played.
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I love tactics games. Not a hugely into standard 'console turn based' gameplay though where the player characters are on the right side of the screen and the enemy's on the left. I always found that boring. There are only a handful of those games I've ever really enjoyed. Earthbound, Mario RPG, Chrono Cross, are all that come to mind and I still have yet to actually beat any one of them. Never really liked any of the standard FF games.
These days I have not played much games. Too tired typically or too busy. And like I said in an earlier topic made by Jamie I have various things pulling me in every direction and I end up doing none of them. If money was totally not an issue in my life I'd probably spend it doing nothing but creating and consuming media though.
Also I just noticed that Faust is Staff when did this happen am I blind?
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In 2001 and shit. I wrote a review of GUNNER 3 and then Bart hired me to bully other staff members into doing work.
Oh wait, you mean recently HO HO HO - I'm not really. I'm just a secondary wave of defence against spammers/some dude who loves to post contributions about his anus using many accounts. It's more of a janitor position.
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I'm playing Papers, Please and coming to terms with the fact that I have a weird almost savant-like aptitude for bureaucracy.
it's a fantastic game though, y'all should check out the demo if nothing else, it's practically a whole thing in itself
Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 09:54:19 pm by Neuropath
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Yeah I played the demo and it's fantastic, I plan on buying the full one sometime soon but atm I'm sort of oversaturated with games
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I looked at that on GoG. It's good to hear that it's a decent game. RECOMMENDATION -> PURCHASE!!!
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