Jeez louise. By the end of this game there really isn't anything left. When in the epilogue it gives you the chance to go around and take care of all the side stuff, the place is so empty by then! I was too bummed out about everything that happened, especially Emily's totally grim and ridiculous death, to go waltzing around talking about movies and collecting playing cards or anything dumb like that!
I'm going to go back into earlier chapters when everyone is still alive and get in to all the sidequests and stuff now. I really didn't pay too much attention to those as I was playing through the first time. I meant to but I never wasn't interested enough in what happened next to put it off.
I'd probably recommend doing the sidequests as you go through the game rather than going back after. I think that would keep you more involved in the story.
I'm just gonna start the game over again and do the side missions this time.
Last Edit: November 09, 2010, 08:50:42 am by jamie