Yes, let's forget about an issue that is relevant in our society and worry more about something in another country none of us can change. At least with something like censorship you have a remote chance to band together with a group of other dissident voices and possibly inspire some degree of change. What exactly are your plans for ridding the world of Ahmadinejad, SK?
Also stop whining about South Park or Mohammed. I thought it was pretty clear from the beginning that this is more about censorship and essentially using the whole idea as a means to say HI FUCK YOU FCC/NETWORK EXECS. It doesn't fucking matter how any of you feel about those poor Muslims and us stupid fat Americans ridiculing their faith. I mean, if that's your opinion then whatever, but the essential argument here is about not allowing any organization or entity actively censor any form of media solely because it's stepping on the toes of some overly sensitive religious group.
I don't have a plan, I was merely stating a fact that is has more value to be pissed about on a somewhat cultural and international level.
I also fail to see how drawing a bunch of mspaint Mohammed will make the FCC go "WELL SHIT MAYBE WE SHOULDN'T CENSOR ANYMORE" or even affect them in any way. They are not the ones who are gonna be affected by a bunch of people on the internet drawing Mohammed with dicks and tits, the Muslims, be it extremists or not, will. Seriously, those extremists are dicks for saying "HEY WE GONNA BLOW YOUR HOUSE", and the FCC are dicks for censoring something be it stupid or not. But please tell me how trying to be bigger dicks will somehow stick it up to the evil network execs in their suits and ties.
Not "plan of the year" material if you ask me.