Topic: A high school discussion on racism (ALSO BOOTSTRAPS) (Read 9603 times)

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Ooops got kaworu mixed up with konix, so disregard that white guilted liberal part
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Nooooo, now everyone is going to believe turtles are mindless and sadistic murder machines, this has to be censored and anyone who views this kind of material is a raging herpetophobe and inferior human being in general
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I didn't even watch that video, but if the world isn't "black and white" like you say I think it then you have to admit it's probably a bit funny

How do you blame this on racism, by the way, how do you blame haiti in general on slavery (which they abolished  by themselves) and people stealing their precious resources when dominican republic is in the same island yet, despite still being a bit of a shit hole, isn't doing as bad as they are? I'm sure you can find a way to blame it on US interventionism (which is what people usually do in this case)
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i'm white, easily amongst the most liberal minded people here, and like every white person with an iq above 10, have a strong sense of white guilt.
I didn't experience the industrial revolution, the london blitz, enoch powell's call for a race war, or the miners strike yet all them still affect me. Middle eastern politics is the way it is almost solely because of the british and french empires carving up the land into their own little countries and promising people one thing, and then totally turning their back on them and supporting a regime which is illegally occupying a large part of palestine (known to some as israel). Many youg people brought up in palestine might not have experienced it as it once was, yet still display a hatred to the occupying force, because it still dictates their lives. Iran's policies are heavily influenced by it's experience with the colonial british. Again people might be born who have not personally experienced it, yet will still foster anti british views.

things which have happened in the past dictate the future. rhetoric about the crusades is often said during talks about the war on 'terror'. Should the aboriginals in australia stop complaining about the fact that they aren't being treated as equals because white people took over 200 years ago and they should learn their place?

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I feel so guilty Fred Flintstone killed all the dinosaurs
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I'm serious, I can't even sleep. Gonna take me some antidepressants.
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Glad to see the discussion matches the topic title again now.
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I generally find 18-19 year olds pretty unattractive bc they're usually super immature and dumb and boring.

True dat, but I see it as an investment though. Fuckin "grown chicks" independant for all the wrong reasons: I don't need a man to take care of me (treat me right) I can go out an get all the dicks I want whenever I want.
And people proving stereotypes to be true. I don't walk outside in the night with fear of being robbed by poles.

you don't walk outside at night because you're a pussy.
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This is STILL going? jesus
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Kaworu's posts alone make this a good topic.
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you don't walk outside at night because you're a pussy.

Actually I have night classes so I always walk outside at night through a street a bunch of people are afraid of because some people were raped/robbed in it, despite the fact that by avoiding it they make it even prone to criminal occurrences
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Kaworu's posts alone make this a good topic.

What? Oh I'm british, grew up in council housing with a bunch of pakistanis, that was enough to know other people are human beings as well (did anyone ever state otherwise?), I feel so guilty for queen victoria's decisions

Topic quality skyrockets
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My favorite racist:
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It'd have been funny if the spioler tags freaking work.
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It would have been funnier if it was someone I knew
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it's a driver
Last Edit: August 23, 2021, 07:20:56 am by Pilsen
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It would have been funnier if it was someone I knew
eric schumacher
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I LOVE IT how people can blame anything they want on US and corporations' interest if they try hard enough. Yeah, for some reason it's because of US's interests and interventionism that haitian people chopped down all their trees for coal and turned the entire country into a desert and ended up having to eat mud cookies because they can't grow anything on sand. I think they wanted to make it more like their african homeland lol.

Voted for their own interest? People like that will vote for anyone as long that person has dark skin and is at least a bit charismatic (number one reason for ghetto rats to vote for  LOLBAMA). People like that voted for PAPA DOC. I'm sure a bunch of stupid toothless inbred republican rednecks voted for mccain because he was white (not like it would have made a difference, but still... is that self interest or just being a 'racist' retard?).

Like Aristide. You can say that he didn't work to fulfill US's best interests. You could say that people voted for him because he represented their interests and that he was deposed because he tried to extort money from France. But he was just as shitty and corrupt and self-serving as anyone else that has ever ruled that country. I think it's kinda funny how instead of using the past to avoid repeating the same mistakes, this whole "it's slavery's fault" ordeal instead makes people do the very same things that got them in that situation in first place. It looks like they have a new US-backed (lolbama) papa doc in the making. If only people had elected Ron Paul in 2008 maybe US wouldn't be messing with other countries like that.


Some people have even managed to say that it's because of the interests of "US and corporations" that people say this

shouldn't be built (at least the way it is being built), as if it was actually economically advantageous and as if it didn't have the potential to be socially catastrophic.

Ok, pretend I didn't go to chimpout. Pretend I went to a website that mocked WASP's for being morbidly obese, waving US flags around and being stupid in general. Would you still think that was racist? I think people like that ruin the whole "white power" cause.

Also I think you'll have to agree that I would have a much bigger chance of being killed in South Africa (failed state lol) than being killed by a Ron Paul supporter (because it's bad business) or by a chimpout user. Even if I was "brown" (which I'm not but I don't go around bragging about it because it's retarded to be proud of things you didn't do), because negrophobia is a widespread phenomenon and is not limited to those white power KKK people like tom metzger which you seem to think represents chimpout's userbase.

It will be done when Dada locks the topic.
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I LOVE IT how people can blame anything they want on US and corporations' interest if they try hard enough.
See, this is why I mentioned earlier that you're just angrily flailing about, spouting anything you can come up with. So in your view, we're just interested in demonizing those poor corporations and blaming everything that's wrong with the world on them, and we have to jump through a lot of hoops in order to do that. Because obviously it's not true, and corporations are only wonderful opaque power structures and can't possibly be responsible for anything bad.

Meanwhile you reject the label racist whilst simultaneously saying things like this:

I think they wanted to make it more like their african homeland lol.

Voted for their own interest? People like that will vote for anyone as long that person has dark skin and is at least a bit charismatic (number one reason for ghetto rats to vote for  LOLBAMA).

And then there's this:

Like Aristide. You can say that he didn't work to fulfill US's best interests. You could say that people voted for him because he represented their interests and that he was deposed because he tried to extort money from France.

You don't know enough about history to even talk about these things. Haiti was completely ravaged by France, just completely robbed blind—it's the source of much of their wealth—and then reduced to utter misery by a century of US interventionism. After their successful struggle for liberation from French rule, the US even supported France's insistence they start paying reparations for the crime of finally kicking out their oppressors.

Aristide, on the other hand, correctly insisted that it should be France who should pay reparations to them for sapping their resources dry and leaving them in a situation they may never even recover from. The reason why the US supported and probably helped organize the 1991 coup against him was because it was under his rule that Haiti finally seemed to be taking fate into its own hands. Clinton permitted him to return only if he adopted specific harsh, neoliberal policies that would have hampered Haiti's ability to develop.

But yes, it's obviously all their own fault.

Ok, pretend I didn't go to chimpout.