Other M? More like... Others might think this game is bad, and I might agree. Looks good tho, but there's things that already annoy me ´A`.
But also I'm very Super Metroid brained. I really don't like many of the other Metroids. I uh have dumb taste, and I don't like Fusion, I wish Mr. AI went away and left me feeling lonely, I liked that from Super.
I have never played uhh Prime tho, I think once tried first one and it looked alright, you still have an AI sort of thing but it mostly just shows you data, and I guess that's fine.
I just don't want human contact in my "feeling lonely" game, you know?
Other M looks cool tho, there's some transitions I really have been liking. The way you walk around in third person, in a perspective that feels like they were trying to do what the original 2D games did but now 3D, and then it transitions to first person. That is cool even if currently it confuses me a bit xD, guess it's like Mario and Zelda looking around mode. Anyway!
Go make videogames!