Before I learned of Steel's death, I had a posting hiatus on the forum but I would always make time in the day to come and read over events and popular topics in the community. Ever since this "okay" topic was created, I tried to inform myself on his current state of health because I realize how gruesome of a disease that cancer can be. Steel had his ups and downs, but it was always ensuring to read the topic and learn of any positive news regarding his struggle with cancer. When I came into the topic and read the news of his death, I was very appalled. It's not as if no one could foresee his death given the circumstances, but there's always that feeling of disbelief when someone that you know has disappeared. I never really conversed with Steel, but anyone who read his posts knew how knowledgable, intelligent, and level-headed of a person he actually was. I definitely did and continue to admire him for his qualities that made him into such a person.
I especially want to thank you for sharing that message and comment on it while I am at it. Reading over it, my mind hearkens back to many of the posts that he made which really make you think "This individual knows what they're talking about." and i'd always close the topic changed a little bit, because I was able to learn something from him. Not only was that message thought provoking, it was also an emotional read. I read the central message that was delivered and I scrutinize how I am living my own life in accordance to how I should be. How much am I taking for granted? Should I appreciate the people in my life and what I have been given? Aside from the fact that it causes me to revaluate my own life, it's even more emotional when you consider that Steel is the one who wrote it. He was hardly one to show his emotional side. I always had the impression that he was a bit different than the person that he claimed we should all aspire to be. I suppose that's a large part of what inspired him to write it for everyone to read. Although he may have angered a lot of people, came off as a provocateur, and in general came off as indifferent to any negativity he may have sparked among others, his message goes to show that deeper down he really was a kind-at-heart person who legitimately cared about those around him - though his way of showing it was just different.