How about good old Utopian Chaos 1 for rm2k??? Loved it, can't find it anywhere. And did THE LINE NARROWS or A LINE'S END ever come out?
Utopian Chaos Line Narrows was released, and amazingly, it can still be found here: keep in mind that Lysander later combined The Line Narrows with A Blurred Line, and released it as a "completed" game titled as
A Blurred Line 2.1: Lysander himself:
"This remix of ABL contains upgraded graphics and sound and should be considered the definitive version; it has three to four hours of gameplay beyond the end of the previous release, which was entitled THE LINE NARROWS.
What was originally one game has been split into two due to the release of RMXP, so I'm marking ABL 2.1 as 'Complete.' Don't laugh! The second half of the game will be released in RMXP as LINE'S END"
Unforunately, he still hasn't released Line's End yet, and both The Line Narrows and ABL 2.1 end on cliffhangers.
Do you by any chance have the original A Blurred Line? If you do, could you share it here?
Does anyone have "Japan Land" by The Illusionist? It was a contest game that I think GZ end up winning with Potato Chaos. That game came in second.
Sorry, don't have this one. Didn't even know about it.