Attention The laughs are over: Jack Thompson has been disbarred, forever. (Read 2726 times)

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Today, the Supreme Court of the United States of America has permanently disbarred Jack Thompson from practicing as a lawyer, in its year long trial.

He has 30 days to close up, then he's done. The end.


Although he'll still be on Fox News, so there's hope yet!
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to those of you not willing to read legalese, this is what he got disbarred for:

(1) respondent made false statements of material fact to courts and repeatedly violated a court order; (2) respondent communicated the subject of representation directly with clients of opposing counsel; (3) respondent engaged in prohibited ex parte communications; (4) respondent publicized and sent hundreds of pages of vitriolic and disparaging missives, letters, faxes, and press releases, to the affected individuals; (5) respondent targeted an individual who was not involved with respondent in any way, merely due to "the position [the
individual] holds in state and national politics;" (6) respondent falsely, recklessly, and publicly accused a judge as being amenable to the "fixing" of cases; (7) respondent sent courts inappropriate and offensive sexual materials; (8) respondent falsely and publicly accused various attorneys and their clients of engaging in a conspiracy/enterprise involving "the criminal distribution of sexual materials to minors" and attempted to get prosecuting authorities to charge these attorneys and their clients for racketeering and extortion; (9) respondent harassed the former client of an attorney in an effort to get the client to use its influence to persuade the attorney to withdraw a defamation suit filed by the attorney against respondent; and
(10) respondent retaliated against attorneys who filed Bar complaints against him for his unethical conduct by asserting to their clients, government officials, politicians, the media, female lawyers in their law firm, employees, personal friends, acquaintances, and their wives, that the attorneys were criminal pornographers who objectify women. The Court concludes that the facts, as even more extensively detailed in the referee's report, support the referee's numerous recommendations as to guilt.

i love numbers 7 and 10.
brian chemicals
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yes for the people who didn't follow this, he gave the supreme court guys gay porn in his filings.

not even joking
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it was in the form for political cartoons.


brian chemicals
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Maaan. The JT himself..
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I'm surprised there isn't a thread about this on 4chan.

I'm actually sad to see him shut down.  The guy had little to no respect even from the groups he tried to appeal to and it's great having a bumbling idiot as an enemy because you don't have to worry about anyone competent screwing you over.
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oh no who is going to warn us about counter strike: half life now????

that was the best thing he said because if there really was a counter strike: half life it would probably be the most popular game in the world
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anyone who professionally trolls the shit out of faggot gamers deserves my respect. it's sad to see him go.
man you really take SELFHATING GAMER thing to a new level.  i hate most of them too but maaaaan, do you really respect jack thompson?  like you know he wasnt trolling right??
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also no lawyer wants to be disbarred. whatever thompson's motives (and I doubt it was EXPOSE FAGGIT GAMERS) that's gotta suck.
brian chemicals
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i wouldn't say he trolled gamers, he just legitimately hates them and actually believes games are like the devil or some shit that is ruining society. He's just really stupid and overzealous, he isn't even smart enough to troll gamers. Plus yeah, he get disbarred. He's pretty much a joke now. Well, he was anyways, but now he's more of one!
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well i mean, the industry is still actually in its infancy, i mean shit since it's revival it's only been going for 25 years, plus the time before the crash! I think a lot of people are still really defensive of it, especially those who know how bad off it is right now. Yeah he annoys a lot of people but there are definitely a lot of people who definitely want to keep the industry locked down even though it's slowly dying as time goes on. Obviously gamer's don't like that because it really is an INFANT industry which means there is going to be a lot of people who are OVERLY defensive of it. I'm sure if the greatness of Mozart or Beethoven (not the greatest example, music itself wasn't infancy back then, but back when it REALLY took off, which gaming has started to, even if its performing poorly.) had a bunch of people trying to lock it down or really slow it down or hinder it's growth with a lot of bad press, etc etc etc, there would be a lot of musicians back then doing the same thing, same for film, and so on.

i mean i obviously don't condone death threats or anything, but gaming is really really censored as it is, both in the US and world wide, and is really just this new thing that is starting to hit the average consumer as a popular past time and you have a bunch of idiots badmouthing it and getting legit bad press. granted fox news is pretty shit, but well, the average american watches it and its the average american that is pretty much getting into gaming right now. like i said i don't condone the level of threats he received, but i definitely don't see it as ODD or even FUNNY or even respectful in any way to basically try everything in your power to bring a rather new industry down with a bunch of lies (this wouldn't be so bad if he didn't get so much PRESS that the average (DUMB) american parenting family will believe). of course gamer's get pissed! they want their shit to keep going. a lot of people still get angry at the ESRB etc, and Australian laws, and tons of other shit related to gaming. i still find it kind of sad that AO games are not allowed in America at all. no store will sell them because they basically get told if they sell one they won't get support. like what the fuck is that. like damn you can't go buy a porn movie in a lot of general stores (Wal-Mart, etc) either, but there's at least places for these where these make a lot of money. no one is interested in this for game's it seems and even the companies back away because stuff like the ESRB and stores have them so strangled on the matter. it kinda sucks. i wouldn't buy one but it still sucks to have such a level of censoring in a videogame of all things, to the point that you can't buy it anywhere. so yea, if people can still be angry over the ESRB, them being angry at a guy trying to bring them down even further isn't too surprising either. we're all a bit defensive of stuff we really truly like and want to succeed. or at least i'd hope we are.
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thompson.... keepin it real
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I dont respect him as a person since hes probably a dick irl but I respect his ability at pissing off millions of anime loving neckbeards over stupid shit that nobody in the real world cares about.

Although Thompson himself was hated by most of his own peers, he was one of the driving forces behind getting Take 2 to redistribute San Andreas (which probably influenced Zenimax to redistribute Oblivion once they found out it contained nipples) costing the company millions of dollars.

If it weren't for successful games like BioShock and Grand Theft Auto, Take 2 would have probably been boughten out by EA or even worse taken over.
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jack thompson has been banned from gaming world
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This inspires me to open an Adult Only shop and take in Adult Only games ( PLUS OTHER GAMES OF COURSE) from Indie people and distribute it. Oh sure I won't get support but think of all the press!!!

Of course i'll probably have to deal with hell when it comes to the Government who will try and stomp me out at every turn... bring it on CANADA!!!
Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 01:13:54 am by Boulvae
A tool is a tool regardless. I mean if you suck, you suck, and not even the most perfect tool could save you. And if your damn good then even with the worst tool ever conceived you could chug out some high quality shit.
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finally.......i can game free. "let my people go" -gamer bible
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I dont respect him as a person since hes probably a dick irl but I respect his ability at pissing off millions of anime loving neckbeards over stupid shit that nobody in the real world cares about.
uhhh i care about it a lot and i think it is a little ridiculous that you would dismiss shit as childish/unimportant just because it has to do with videogames on some level.  like do you not see how this is just a branch of a much larger problem having to do with idiocy in the media (do you remember the coverage that mass effect nudity bullshit got?)/censorship/religious zealotry/a bunch of other shit that people should probably care about?  jack thompson all by himself isn't that big a deal because a lot of people don't take him seriously, but ENOUGH people do that he's really pretty troubling.  yes it has to do with stupid videogames but it ties into so much other stuff and it is pretty short-sighted to write this off as insignificant, because these are the very same people who spend their time on a lot of other causes, and have a huge impact on things that are actually important.  so yeah i think the videogames vs jack thompson thing is important, if only because it connects to a much larger ideological struggle that has quite a lot of significance in the "real world".
Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 01:52:59 am by headphonics
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Thats right, heack it's like the struggle with movies when they first came about. Not viewed as art or expression and just an industry where it was watered down to some muddled sub-par levels, it's pretty much the same thing different arguments for Video Games. But I will say that the industry may be in it's infant stages but it sure isn't forgiving.
A tool is a tool regardless. I mean if you suck, you suck, and not even the most perfect tool could save you. And if your damn good then even with the worst tool ever conceived you could chug out some high quality shit.
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i mean, those groups who didn't get HEAVY METAL taken off the shelves are still linked pretty closely to the same people that get a lot of other stuff done and are relatively influential.  i don't mean like SHAPDOW ORGANIZATION....... but yeah like just because they didnt successfully demonize pokemon doesnt mean they don't do a lot of other garbage.  a fair amount of shit is still done or not done or just changed to appease these people.  i don't go on crusades against jack thompson, but i take anyone who gets air time about this stuff at least vaguely seriously, because regular old idiots listen to people like him without even blinking, and that has an effect on public perception which ultimately can have a huge bearing on things.  that's kind of a big stretch it seems like but i'm basically just saying this stuff can be pretty important in the grand scheme of things even if it doesnt seem like it, i think, or even if it's spearheaded by someone who's clearly an idiot