Then I got on the bus to school immediately afterwards. Being 8 owns.
Damn, I was like, 13/14 back then. :P
Hrmmm... been a while since I sincerely cried. I remember I was reading some article a while ago about some girl who was terminally ill and wanted to watch "UP." She was too sick to move much so as part of a "Wish" thing (IIRC) a special version was adapted to DVD so she could watch it at home. Not long after finally seeing the movie (it was like a day or something) she passed away. I'm not sure what it was, the way the mother interpreted her passing after watching the movie, the fact that the girl had to be told a "play by play" of the movie because her condition caused her too much pain to keep her eyes open much... whatever it was, I felt my face get hot and tears just started streaming down. It wasn't even like, I was trying or wanting to cry or anything... it just happened and I couldn't make it stop.