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[quote name=KK1n5an3 post=439804 timestamp=1383201784]anyone remember skytower?
dang I feel old[/quote]
Loved Skytower!

Also remember I am 13, Dr Funk and a load of other stuff like people begging for Donald Fuck RPG.

Good times.
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Yeah, I'm taking off too. Not for any hateful reasons or anything, it just feels like GW (or SW) has changed an awful lot from the site I used to like coming to. Not saying that this place is bad or anything now, it's still cool and has good people, but the focus is shifting in all sorts of directions and some of them feel odd to me.

Still hope that Salt World takes off though, and I wish you guys the best of luck! Rock on, Drule.

Yeah, I agree totally, for me It started with the move to SMF I really don't like the look of their forums not a huge deal but as gw started to change with the focus moving to indie games, things were starting to grind and I started to feel gw was abit meh and had lost alot of it's individallity. I miss the focus on rpgmaker, the happy zoo, gw dictionary/wiki and the loss of awesome threads/crap shack which hosted some of the funniest threads ever. They were archived though which is something.

this seems like a shameless plug for rmn

Nope. But damnit! If only I had thought of that I'd have waited a week or so and plugged rmgamearchive when it's done

Still, it wouldn't surprise me to see some of the people who leave come back a couple months from now just to see what's up with the site. There could be some really good stuff going on that will pull them back into the fold.

To be honest  i'm not planning on returning except maybe occasionally to read game dev forum and I have said i'd be involved in the new chain game but aside from that there is little point. Having said that if saltw changes for the better in the long term who knows? I just can't see it returning to what it was and the direction it's going now isn't doing it for me.

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It would be rude to go without saying goodbye.
Gamingw has changed alot since I first joined, some for the better and some for the worse. Either way I guess I have come to a point where I no longer feel it's no longer a place where I wish to post so onward to RMN where I will be posting from now on.
Will be back shortly, although with added moonfruit! http://rmgamearchive.moonfruit.com/
Nothing to see at the moment though.
Thanks to bart for GW and rami and all the past mods and admins.
Hope this saltw.net thing works out for you.
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1st update for http://www.freewebs.com/rmgamearchive/  in about a year and a half. Yay.

SeqNin, check your PM, I have a propsal for you. NOT that kind of proposal, don't worry!
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New about this 2 months ago but it dose look bad ass and the best part is I god a flash card.

Wonder if it'll have Ap though? Took an Akaio update to get Last Window running....
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Get a ds for Xmas, maybe?
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Thought this was a joke at first but apparently it's true. January can't come quick enough.

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UK innit.

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I'll sign up. Count me in.
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Dr Giggles. Funniest slasher film ever and my most watched horror.

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Duck Tales Woo hoo

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Best $9.99 you'll ever spend.
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Tombs Of Anubis


A stupidly addictive Snow Bros/Bubble Bobble clone - take photos of mummies with your camera to turn them into photos, but take care to collect the photo before they turn back!

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It's archived somewhere and probably won't be brought back.

Err you do know the forums has an archives section just for things like this? can't you stick it there the same way you did with the zoo, crap shack etc?
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Admins don't care.


I'd love to see the wiki back, or even a archive of the GW Dictionary.
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Here are the ones I did that I managed to find:

Happy Zoo.. RIP

That giraffe is totally awesome.
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There seems to be a fair few of these type of  handhelds and to be honest i'd rarther have this:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dingoo it is cheaper runs linux as well as it's native µC/OS-II OS and is open source like pandora, prob not nearly as powerful but I'd only use it for emulation anyway, so w/e
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Not abad film will prob watch it more than once. So 7 out of 10 sound about right?
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On a related note, if your laptop is old and over heating it's likely dust has built up in the fans and buying a can of compressed air an de dustifiying you laptop will sort it. Still buy a desktop for gaming though.
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Not sure, but yeah see if you can block them through the carrier.

Got MagicJack, worst phone service ever. They assigned me a number which was last used by some guy in thousands of dollars in debt, and every day some mofo calls demanding to talk to him. "Sorry sir, -explain explain explain explain-"  "UH HUH LIKELY STORY, PUNK." Sometimes they're courteous enough to remove me from their calling lists but some people SOME PEOPLE argh. I have heard that more than 2 calls a week constitutes harassment, even for debt collection calls soo I think I'll research that and threaten legal action or something.

If it's not your debt ANY amount of calls is harasment. Next when they call get their postal address and send them a letter stating your not the person who owes the money and any further corrispondence should be in writing to the last address they have for the true debter. Don't include your address on the letter though, just in case their like a loan shark or something.


Asking MagicJack for a new phone number migh be easier though.