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So is anybody going to prove to me that dangers of a Growing Muslim population , or the advantages?

It's only a problem where they exist in significant numbers

If it does not affect me , then I'm fine , but otherwise , tell me please.
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Come back here when you're older.

How old are you?
Like 13?

No offense if you are , because that is an age where kids usually get smart.
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Also many of the practices of Christianity come from Paganism.

Jesus Christ , whether he is real or not , is based off of the prophecies of the Hebrew Bible's prophets .
A messiah was to be born of a young lady (Commonly referenced as a virgin) , and would fulfill a various amount of prophecies.

I can see why you think Christianity came from paganism , because
Historians believed that the Christ figure got his 12 disciples from the Horus myth , because Horus had 12 disciples.
But Jesus Christ actually had 12 disciples , because there were 12 tribes of Israel(which we can see today is a fact)

Okay..  enough of that religious gibber jabber.

Good or bad?


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You forget wars. They're typically held over belief differences and conquest. Besides, I seriously doubt people going "Meh, don't give a damn." would stop some people from being complete shit.

Holy *whispers the "S" word to parents who don't give a shit*!!!!
I just remembered.

Muslim terrorists fight because of their religion.
Hitler faught because of race.
Stalin , and a few others faught because of conquest.
Because of all these genetic diseases and things humans get , someone might start killing people with genetic disadvantages.
Because of the amounts of unused land , people (like North Korea) will start wars for land.

It's rediculous what people fight over.

Lets all just be good to eachother , and we won't have no problems.

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If Muslims obey Jesus like they are supposed to do (But as a prophet , not a messiah) , then they should turn the other cheek and forgive everyone , but Allah changed his mind.

Small joke....

What happens at a Muslim part?

the ones who don't enjoy the party are usually the ones to get stoned.

good night everyone...  you've been lovely.
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Most Muslims aren't terrorists , but most terrorists are Muslims , statistically speaking.

That applies to pretty much every religion though. There is always some earlier practice that it can be linked back too. The subsequent faiths have always tried to co-opt what came before, in order to better fold people into their flocks. The concept of GOD (Generator, Operator, Destroyer) is not a new one, nor one that can be owned by any specific group.

Not necessairily.

Christianity came from Judaism , which came from Abrahamic monotheism , which originated from First monotheism , the beginning of religion.
But Christianity's evolution has been transitioned as it is supposed to be , according to each previous religion.

Islam , which claims to stem from judaism , actually comes from Paganism.
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My favorite anti-muslim comic.

Im not against Islam or Muslims , I just don't like the idea of an all knowing God that can change his mind . 
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Trust me..   If you've seen U.S.'s teen pregnancy population , then you are gonna want to see the rate of how many Muslims get pregnant a year.

If Muslims were allowed to have pre-marital sex , my neighbors would most likely be someone that is Arabic.
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Should I be concerned?

Will I be an infidel in a few years?

I had a dream last night.
I was at school (A lot of bad memories when I was in school) , and then a Muslim girl was confused , because she didn't know what to do at our school.
I helped her out , and she became my girlfriend , and then we sucked eachother's blood and then performed ritualistic sacrifices to Allah.
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Doesn't always work out that way, bud.  Tsk

I'm guessing you should also "turn the other cheek" when someone gouges your eye out, instead of, you know, defending yourself?

If everyone turned the other cheek , there would be no need for violence.
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he is kind of like watching your little brother tell a story, you just want to ruffle his hair up after his posts
I love my hair being ruffled , IT'S AMAZING!

reminds me of my dad , before he became an alcoholic and divorced my mother , and then I moved to California for 5 years and gained weight.
But don't worry...  I'm recovering my lost years of attention , because I found new hobbies  , RM.



I let people walk all over me , and everyone is forgiven.

Judge not , and you will not be judged .
Condemn not , and you will not be condemned.
Forgive , and you will be forgiven.

words to live by
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Should I really donate my hard earned cash to this forum?
I was threatened to be banned for something stupid just recently.
There are no interesting things I can do on this forum if I help support.

Does the donation help support making  the site better?

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We are not doing this anymore. do not post in reply to alexross7 anymore. if you post in response to him, you will be warned and possibly banned. Same goes for alexross7: if you make another post not in direct response to the article you will be banned.


Read things , research , study , experiment , come up with ideas , and stop listening to people that try to confuse you into believing things without backed up sources of information.

If what I was saying was ridiculous  , then why do I encourage people to research my claims?

My posts have been relevant to this thread , which is pointed towards the subject of fossils.
If you hadn't noticed , the posts that I have posted , are about fossils , and how old they are.

Ban me , almighty banner!
If I had said one thing that has nothing to do with fossils , then say it , or else you should ban me unfairly .

Thank you.

Stupid Mozilla...   I can't spell ridiculous right , because it wants me to spell it with an "E"
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Example of a custom edited rip.

"Zelda - A link to the past"  rips , to fit the game , "Zelda - Majora's mask"

Here's my scale:

Overused rips - 2/10
Default resources (RTP) - 3-4/10
Compilation of rips from many games or tv shows - 1/10
compilation of stolen resources from other people - 2/10
compilation of rtp and rips - 1/10
custom resources - 10/10
custom edited rips - 6-8/10

Using rips of other games in a story that is meant to join many games into one is OK (Like super smash brothers) , but mixing rips and using different names for them is just to0 stupid.
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yes we have, I thought? we set up what we believe to be pre-lifes earths conditions in a little box or something and simple virus-like life forms formed within it, didnt that happen?

am i crazy?

Doubt it.
According to scientists , it would take millions of years for that to happen.

Fantastic that you would know about these sort of things, eh? Too bad that everything you just said is half-assed and speculative, and you are a dumb dumb dumb creationist douchebag.

I present the facts that are backed up by science.
Anything that is "Maybe" is not fact

Yes you did!
The picture probably came from Kent Hovind's site , but I found it on google.

Away your hands from your eyes and/or ears and stop shouting LALALALALALA whenever a scientist gives you sufficient evidence/somebody else points you to said evidence!

Evidence - a few bones on the ground, a trail of bread crumbs, biased speculation , easy to doubt  , etc.
Proof - Real , Fact , OMG it's in front of me , unbiased conclusion , etc.

What evidence is their for animals being  evolved from a common ancestor , following lifeless matter?
Life has never been recreated in a laboratory.
No one has ever replicated a model of a transitional form , without it being an animal with a disease , a deformed animal ,  a recreation of an animal from only a few bones like a jaw or a tooth ,  an animal that was created with plaster , or a "Put together" like bird bones and reptile bones.

In fact , you can't even say that radiometric dating or c14 dating is accurate , because it has been proven that these methods of dating could lead to false info.

I don't remember how c14 works , but I think it works by measuring the amount of carbon 14 in a bone and telling whether or not the bone is old , based on the amount of c14 in the bone.

Measuring the radiation in a fossil is not 100% , because there could have been massive radiation super disasters , which caused large biodiversity , thus allowing animals to evolve over a very short time.

Even understanding geographic column is not going to make it any more true , because there have been a number of things underneath dinosaur fossils .
This is a fact , go look it up.
People find stone aged items underneath dinosaur fossils all the time.

So let me get this straight, you are willing to accept the theory of evolution ONLY if thousands of chimpanzees get tortured just because someone doesn't understand what common ancestor means? Here's an analogy that might help you grasp the concept: We did not evolve from chimps, rather, chimps and humans have a COMMON ANCESTOR. That common ancestor went down many paths, two of which, that still survive today, is the human branch and the chimp branch. So think of it as such, if instead of a large scale of millions of years we were talking about just three generations of births in a human family, let's say that I am Human Stevenson and you are Chimp Stevenson, we have the same grandpa, but that doesn't mean that I am descended from you or the other way round. This is a stupid analogy and I feel like I must be stupid in order to get what you don't understand about the theory.
What are you talking about?
I didn't say we evolved from "Chimps" or I didn't say that you believed that.
Why are we talking about chimps?

I like it when people tell me what I'm thinking of. I didn't mention abiogenesis at all, yet you seem to try to explain it to me EVEN GOING AS FAR TO EXPLAIN THE WORD TO ME (hint: I am greek, I know what abiogenesis means). Once again, you are a moron who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Well you said that abiogenesis is a process.
Is genesis a process?

Yes, although the earth being supported by nothing points to it being flat
So you believe the Earth is flat?  You just said it yourself.

Bullshit. You don't know what you are talking about. Ape skeleton? What species of ape? Hell, hylobates(gibbons) have a skeleton that looks WAY too similar to our own yet they are our least closely related of the four major ape genera. A chimpanzee skeleton, a gorilla skeleton, these could be great search terms but no, you just want to go with "ape" because you don't believe in the taxonomy of species and categorize them by how hairy their pubes are and how snotty their noses are.
I do believe in the taxonomy of species .
According to genesis , each day is an addition to the previous day.
In the first day , Earth and Heavens were created.
Second day , light and some other physics were created.

On the fifth day , Birds and fish were created.
On the sixth day , an addition to the birds and the fish were created , those who could walk on land.
I believe all animals on Earth share similarities with the birds and the fish , because each day in genesis is an addition to the previous.

Just because we share traits with other animals , doesn't mean that we share a common ancestor.
An alien could have made us from their genes , yet given us genes that were identical to Earth animals.
There are many theories .

You claim to not know Kent Hovind but you seem to be posting the exact same inane bullshit he has been praising up until he got jailed.

Kent Hovind had a 2 year old pocket puggle named "Anabelle" that died of a bad skin disease?

What does cosmology have to do with evolution? Why do you always do that? Why are you so stupid? We don't know where the bloody universe came about, the scientists are trying to figure it out, but oh well, might as well believe it just popped into existance because somebody wished it to be so, right? Fuck you.
Whats with all the hostility?
What does cosmology have to do with evolution , you say?
Abiogenesis has everything to do with cosmology , because people think cosmology proves abiogenesis , when cosmology can't even find out where the universe came from.

Where did the universe come from?
Did it come from nothing ?(Contradicts physics)
Did an infinite amount of energy expand into a universe randomly , when it is scientifically proven that nothing is random?

You lack understanding in the concept of language. Might aswell have written this post in leetspeak using numbers and random russian symbols because that'd make it easier for you too.
You are the one who writes a series without using commas like retards and dumbtards and fools and special people and weirdos do.

Screw you.
I would say the same , but I prefer not to insult people with hideous words.
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just read this

Scientist made experiments
Abiogenesis has been proven to happen
where is your god now?

besides it makes total sense to me. We are made of millions of non-living chemicals. It's in its complexity that we make the classification jump from non-living to living. A classification WE came up with, not some mysterious master of the universe who is very intriguing.

There are billions of parts of the cell that allows it to function. If you were to remove 1 of the vital parts , the cell would either die or become cancerous.
That is to say , if you you were to design a cell (or even a simple one) , it would require the same chance that it takes for a game boy advance to build itself , or even a higher chance.

Nothing can be accurately one hundred percent be said about about such a thing but I'd rather trust people that have invested years of research and actual work on what they have to say than some guy looking up facts at Kent Hovind's site. Not to mention that while evolution does indeed work through the process of natural selection, the "selection" part only makes sense because the diversity is also cause by random mutation cause by a number of factors such as radiation, heat, diet, etcetera etcetera.

I didn't get my facts from Kent Hovind's site.
I don't even know who Kent Hovind is.
There was a creation website , so I just happened to use their picture , while also looking up the facts behind it , on Google.

Secondly , how can you trust people who always say these great things , but never prove them?
I mean , no one has ever put a bunch of chemicals into a big tank and ever successfully grown life from non-living materials.

If something can't be done , I am sure that it should give the people some opportunity to be skeptical.
In the same way , if I don't see a human like ape or life being created in a lab , then It's safe to assume that evolution from common ancestor never happened.

Sure, but there are contradictions with other modern theories, such as gravity, the earth not being flat, etcetera that go against the religious scriptures that are the basis of all belief in said religion, be it Christianity, Islam, etcetera. We should not be arguing religion, my bad for bringing this up because I'm such an atheist.
Not at all.  There have been people in the Christian Holy bible that stated something we regard as a scientific fact , such as the Earth being supported by nothing , or the Earth being spherical , or even that washing your hands in running water is better than washing in a lake full of people because of the diseases that people could get.

What are you talking about? Did you get my argument at all? I was merely saying that humans, just like chimpanzees and gorillas, are great apes. I did not suggest any other genetic or anatomic relation beyond that but you seem to think that I said "Humans are apes, chimps are apes, therefore humans are chimps", which would not surprise me because I'd expect that sort of reasoning at this point of conversation.

Humans, anatomically speaking, ARE apes. Great apes even. It's all about the way our skeleton is arranged, being an ape doesn't necessarily mean that you have to fling poo around, but I guess that would be convenient for you, woudn't it?

Of course you didn't make any other genetic or anatomic relation beyond that. [Sarcasm]

You know, I could just point to a picture of a bunch of hominid and ape skeletons lined up in similar positions and counter your argument of IS THIS A BANANA OR IS THIS A PINEAPPLE with another stupid ODD ONE OUT picture.

Go on google (Like I did) and type in "Human skeleton". And in a seperate window , type in "Ape skeleton".
I guarantee you that the most you will ever find , is a fictional sketch of a human skeleton bending over with longer jaw , and an ape with a bigger cranium and walking upright.

Nothing did not evolve into something, stop trying to confuse abiogenesis with evolution! Abiogenesis is the process of something non-living turning into something living, for example, think of this scenario: A bunch of really complex molecules start to form near the edges of a boiling hot volcano in the bottom of the ocean in a completely life-devoid planet. These molecules start becoming more and more complex by forming more and more chemical reactions. They finally reach a point in which that said molecule can replicate itself by taking advantage of other molecules around it only to dissolve them in order to rearrange their atoms into forming a copy, or copies of itself thus becoming something that can be considered by some people living. That is just one possible scenario.
So tell me , where did the universe come from?
I have been asking the same question for 2 years , but no answer.

Abiogenesis isn't a process . It is an historical account of biology opposing the belief in Genesis , hence "A"(Anti) "Bio"(Biological) "Genesis"(The historical account of creation.
What your thinking is Evolution of non-living materials into Life , which goes against the whole idea of "Survival of the fittest" , because any farmer can tell you that dirt doesn't try to survive.

There are a lot of shakes moving the earth. shakes make big boom and splash.  shakes make things break. if there are lost of shakes in ground rocks and bones will break into very many pieces.  Understand?

What? So you mean, a carnivore would somehow carry a Homo Erectus all the way from africa to eastern asia just to have lunch? That's one badass carnivore you got there.
My dog died , birds carried the bones to various locations , and it left a complete mess all over the place.
By trying to put the bones back together , you wouldn't know how to put them back together unless you had a picture of a dog's anatomy.
And if you didn't know what you were doing , you could have accidentally placed the bones in such a manner , that scientists would have thought it was a new species of dog.

Also, I hate people that mistake "you're" with "your" because, did I mention it, I am also a grammar nazi
I like to spell it that way , because it's easier.
"Your stupid" is like saying "you're stupid" , because they sound the same.
Don't dont you're your , it's all the same when pronounced.

I am willing to accept the slight chance that you might just be an ignorant uneducated fool and not somebody with severe mental ilness because the latter would make me feel bad for even having this argument with you.
Ok yes , I feel bad for you too and your loss.

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Im a fan to my fans.
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Evolution explains the diversity of life and how all the different species that we know today came about from a common ancestor.

No , Evolution has nothing to do with where we come from.
It simply means  change.
When Charles Darwin wrote "The origin of species" , he wrote it in a manner that seemed quite simple to understand for simple folk.
Most of the people in this world , including religious and non religious , don't even know what evolution is , let alone how it works.
What Charles Darwin suggested , is that life evolved (Changed) through means of natural selection (The selection of the fittest , within nature) from a common ancestor .
The theory of evolution through natural selection , alone , has been proven , but scientists still can't 100% accurately say that all life are from a common ancestor.

I am fairly sure that the denomination of christianity/islam/Abrahamic_Religion_Template that you follow is against evolution, and probably against vaccines too(this is a stretch but I'll take my chances.)
I don't follow a church.
None of those religions are against Darwin's theory of Evolution through natural selection.
But they are against his philosophical ideas that maybe all life came from the same ancestor.

Humans, anatomically speaking, ARE apes. Great apes even. It's all about the way our skeleton is arranged, being an ape doesn't necessarily mean that you have to fling poo around, but I guess that would be convenient for you, woudn't it?
There are many animal skeletons that have the same shape as another animal , yet looks completely different on the outside.

You think they look similar?

Welp, sonny boy, them negroes might see a coca-cola bottle and be so excited that they decide to dance around it feh hehNo. Shut up, you ignorant racist piece of shit.
There are some African tribes that have never seen electricity.
How was I being racist?
There are white Africans too.
Seems like your putting words in my mouth.

See, I like how every person trying to bash a scientific theory without knowing what he's talking about will always come up with some bizzarre inane parabole that tells the life of a peasant and how he managed to become enlightened by looking at a grass field or staring at the sky and suddenly realising OH GOSH LORD THIS IS THEB EST THING EVER THANKS FOR BLOWING MELIFE INTO ME I AM LOVING THIS BY THE WAY. Stop being so full of shit.
It's not a parable .  This really happened when the Spanish first came to the Americas.

I really don't see how you believe in these fairy tales that people tell you.
After scientists had just proved that the chance of life evolving from nothing was impossible , Richard Dawkins then suggested that aliens came to Earth and seeded the planet. Watch Zeitgeist , which is an accurate movie.
Richard is good at circular reasoning.

Even though it is a creationist website that I got it from , I did a little of my own research and found out this picture to be true.

Millions of micro-Earthquakes happen each second. Do you really think that a skeleton could sustain it's perfect form and would mineralize perfectally , without the fact that those millions of tiny earthquakes would shatter the fossils within only a few thousand years?

Maybe the fossils somehow survived millions of years of cracking and erosion.
But what about the fact that animals (Carnivore animals) would have probably eaten the flesh from the bone and would have taken the bone to some remote location?

If your going to rely on the methods of dating the bones , by dating the index layer , then how come there have been humans underneath dinosaurs?
There have been fossils of dogs buried underneath dinosaurs (more than 10 feet below).

I will accept that in the trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a chance , it might have happened.
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I got to admit that using other resources is fine , as long as pikachu isn't in a chrono trigger rm2k(3) remake.
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You can't describe anything about evolution as "common knowledge"

It may seem obvious to you, and others, but there is still a vast ammount of people that entirely disagree with the theory (ffff religion)

And either way, it's a pretty complex subject

What religion is against evolution?

Evolution merely says that life will evolve.
Like , a tiger will become a cat.
I am not against it.

Noah only took a few species of animals onto his ark.
Life evolved after that, and it became so abundant throughout the Earth.

Creation isn't against evolution , but rather abiogenesis.

The truth is , no person on Earth can tell you if that fossil is genuine.
Evolutionists will TRY to see apes in humans.

Ask any evolutionist if they think humans look like apes , and they will say , "Yes"
Ask any creationist if we look like apes , and they will most likely say ,"No".

An African who has never heard of electricity , will commonly mistake a plane for a bird , because they aren't used to the idea that humans can fly.
In the same way , our point of view comes to us in the form of fact.

There was once an indian who stood on top of a cliff , and the Indian was looking at the water , and saw a boat appear out of nowhere.
The boat only appeared to him , because his brain tried to make sense of it.
Your eyes will see what is there , but your brain will tell you what you are seeing , and it could lie to you.

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It's kind of a game killer though.

What if mario was made , using bits and pieces of other games.

It's like a Nintendo employee goes up to Shigeru and says , "Sir , we couldn't find a good enough koopa sprite , so we just stuck in a person with a green backpack"
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