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Diegoale: Why does it remind me of MikuMiku Dance? Either way, looks pretty good. I wish you'd update that devlog. :)
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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About skills, do you learn the skills in the same order always? As in, if I always go Night Stalker, will I get the first skill in that set if I pick Night Stalker as, say, my tenth skill?
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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Phylomortis, of course. I've since dropped to Normal, but due to the massive evasion the enemies are doing I think I'll drop to Easy for some leisurely game breaking.

Curiously, what are the differences between the four game modes?

It also looks like the effects from Illusion wear off the turn AFTER using it rather than the turn I use it.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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I'll break it once these enemies stop breaking me.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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I beg to differ. Forests in the real world are not at all boring and bland. Boring perhaps, but certainly not bland.

And with a lovely dame attached to your arm, I assure you it is not boring either.

I do agree however that the shot looks a lot better here. The grass looks healthier this way.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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... 104 mb? Uh, I don't need to get the RTP to play this, do I? Is there a specific reason the size is... respectable?
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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My first thought was that it WAS that Legend of the Philosopher's Stone forest intro.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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The only one I don't like are realtime battles (since I often put my games on hold for a few). My preference goes to Conditional Turn Based, à la Wild ARMs 4/5 or perhaps FFX is a better and more popular example.

There is a delicate balance between "too much" and "too little". That said, I rather have too little minigames than too many minigames. Too few, you just finish and complain. Too much, I get put off and complain without finishing. I can only stand WHERE'S WALDO five times before it starts to become annoying.

... Uh. Materia is... complex...? I'm of the mindset that any 'complex' system should be introduced slowly and steadily, but within a timeframe of one hour for RPGMaker games to get the hang completely of, or at least to such extent you know what's what. I'm fond of character customisation to a degree, but if you offer it, it best be real character customisation. None of this "you can twink for defense" followed by "AND FOR THIS PARTICULAR SEGMENT YOU MUST TWINK FOR DEFENSE".

I prefer linear personally, with no more than three different endings if different endings must be possible. Corrolary: If it's more like, "Side with one group/person" where you base your ending off of personal ideas, then it is fine to use as many as is necessary.

Like minigames, just don't oversaturate. Depending on the amount of SQs, adjust rewards accordingly. Lots of them? Try to include information on what you will probably win with it. A few of them? Make it good and a surprise. (Good equals 10 health potions if your game is in the first hour of gameplay/battle and potions can reasonably be expected to be used)

No thank you. I like playing my games without having to check OH CREP DEW EYE DOO EVUL OR GUD NAOW? to get optimal rewards/endings/branches/whatever. Usually, good/evil are really two extreme sides of the spectrum anyway, where a "Good" character is a dumb idiot with detached delusions about the state of the world and an "Evil" character is a homicidial maniac who enjoys running around like some clown trying to hide his bauble in a hole.

YES. Put puzzles in. One per dungeon. Maybe two. Hell, make a puzzle dungeon. Do it. DO ITTTTTT.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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Bro, those downloads are illegal. You best send them to SW over PM rather than post them here.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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As I recall, there is a version of RM2k that doesn't support four lines of text. I can only suggest downloading another version and see if the problem persists.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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I like it.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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You're just saying that because you already have premium.

heartless jerk, think of the poor
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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The forum used to be a lot meaner. It turned me away at some point, but I still came back because I'm a masochist because there are some real gems for games made here, and it is rather fun watching the dreams people have and their attempts to turn ambition into a project.

Just start anew. Apologise for reacting teh way you did, as the other party did as well, and simply go on. Let this thread run its course, then link hands and arms so you can gaily march into a bright new future.

Buy premium for people to make sure they like your game.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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how many times do i have to tell you this translator doesn't exist?????

I suspect an amount of times equal to ad nauseum.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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where did you hear this?

I can't quite remember exactly what place, but I do recall reading that Shakespeare coined many new terms, and that his plays were both hard to understand and difficult to follow for the common man. Only the upper-class people were able to follow them to some degree, but still had to guess the meaning of quite a number of words because Shakespeare made up quite a few.

A quick Google query turns this site up, but as it says, "How many of these are true coinages by "the Bard", and how many are simply the earliest written attestations of a word or words already in use, I can't tell you."

The book I recall reading simply declared the common folk couldn't at all follow his plays, and the higher classes needed to use some effort.

Mind you, Queen's English as a whole in that time was incomprehensible for the common man. Not to say Shakespeare's work was written in Queen's English (my knowledge herein falls short), but since I read both those things I am wont to believe that commoners didn't understand Shakespearian English.

He went through this version most likely.

Well played, good sir.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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What kind of book about Romeo and Juliet did you read? Few of them are in the contemporary lingo, as far as I recall: most have been edited to be readable to people nowadays.

Mind you that the way people spoke in Shakespeare's plays is not at all indicative of what the general public said. In fact, it was incomprehensible for them.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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Nobody would do that anway...

Well, making assumptions aren't good. I'd recommend just working through your game, and handling the conversion of dialogue last. There's bound to be someone somewhere willing to do so if only you'd ask.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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Can you not ask someone decently versed in old English to re-write the dialogue for you? Are you looking for the exact spelling or simply the way the sentences are structured?

If anything you can just complete the game's mechanics and overall story, then when it is finished submit it to some English major who could likely transform your dialogue.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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You have to hand it to the lad, he sure knows how to hype. I can spot a few earnest threads here and there that would want this sort of attention.

Well, not the sort, just the amount.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"
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I'm surprised this topic is still here. And uh, corbin-nunn, I think you can use the edit function instead of quadra-post, and there should be decent spellcheckers in Microsoft Word and stuff.
<RPG> contra's depth is an illusion, it's not sustainable for a real story
<RPG> it's just fun, with fun gameplay
<RPG> rpg players ask "where did the robot come from"