Topic: What are you playing? (Read 140672 times)

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I was only planning on buying a PS4 when I had the (false) assumption that they were going to fully support backwards compatability and let me run PS3 discs on it (basically when the PS3 had first came out, I had already decided to never get it because I predicted the next console to come after would be likely to play all those games anyhow). Since they feared it would allow Gamestop to cut far too deeply into their online "virtual console" sales, now I have zero interest in getting a Ps4.
They still have the physical capability to read and run PS3 discs, but the only way to actually access that functionality now is if someone was able to hack the console and release some kind of unwarranted software patch. I don't have a PS3 or any PS3 games, so I COULD just buy their console titles online and stream them, but my internet is barely at the threshold for being fast enough for that to work.
It was basically the deciding factor for me because the PS3 is where all the already released games are at, and would have given me a chance to have lots of cheap things to play waiting for new PS4 games to come out. I have no desire for paying full price for those titles since I'd only be capable of playing SOMETIMES (as in I could only play them whenever my internet connection does not hate me). The current lineup of PS4 titles is pretty decent for such a new console, but nothing really sticks out as "me wanting to buy a high-end console" for.
So as far as my advice goes, if you don't already have a good reason to get a PS4, or you don't already have in mind that "must play" game that you can ONLY get on the newest console, then you are much better off not looking for a reason to waste money on it. If I were to get one, it'd only be because Titanfall has inevitably ditched its "xbox exclusive" status. But even if it never had, it wouldn't have been enough to make me get a Xbox1, so it's not enough to make me want a PS4. (then again, nothing short of "the version of Spore we were all expecting before EA ruined everything" would have been enough to make me think I could actually WANT an Xbox1)
Maybe my mind will change on that by the time Destiny comes out, but its far more likely that I'll have already bought a PS3 by then, and I'll have far too many cheap, disposable, JRPG timesinks to play through to ever be bothered.
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I ended up getting ancy and buying one anyways. My gf uses my PS3 to run netflix in the bedroom and shit anyways, I did mess up though. I got mixed up and was under the impression that titanfall was a ps4 release, but after hearing that its going to be released for the ps4 too I don't feel nearly as dumb. Trying to figure out its online capabilities because the only real games I've been able to look around for sale on the network are indie or not that great ATM. I got call of duty ghost and bound by flame. I really like bound by flame, seems like a well enough written non-corny as shit JRPG (?). What I didn't like is that to me the visible capabilities don't seem all that more extensive and those games I bought are being fucking released on the PS3 too. I wish they'd let you trade in the ps3 version for the 4 or something like that instead of re-wasting money on it.

I was trying to figure out what the difference between the 3 and 4 was. And what that damn touch pad at the top is exactly for other than just being a touch pad? Also I hope I don't have to go out and buy that stupid camera just to keep playing.
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The touch pad is pretty cool though. My friend has one and he just plugs it into the pc. You have to look up how to do it, but once it works you can use the touch pad to control the mouse. Works great on Don't Starve, since he doesn't like waiting for updates to hit the PS4 version.
I dunno, other than that, it's pretty much just an indication warning against buying early launch titles. We all know how it goes for newly implemented unusually specific input features.
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I've been playing Star ruler 2, despite it being early access and it kinda crashes a few times, and the fact it's pretty incomplete, IT's still FUN!
It's kind of a puzzle game in a way as you have to ship resources from one planet to another to unlock higher level resources so you can then ship that to another planet for use or to level up a planet (planet level is dictated by the amount of resources it has) I even managed to find some ancient ship yards and built 3 ancient battleships. 
It also feels like you're building a proper interstellar empire (or intergalactic should you decide to add more than one galaxy).
I've yet to be invaded but then I am playing on a huge 1000 system map (at least I'm not the weakest empire, but definitely not the strongest, one I can see has already colonised a whole galaxy arm).
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is it like. Plugging your xbox 360 controller into your pc and using it because my comp could never figure out the goddamn program needed. That is pretty cool though.
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Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

My god it starts of slow up after Chapter 4 I feel I'm owed the right to know where the hell this story is going. Also the game gives you the best of both words Layton's puzzles and Ace Attorney Justice system with a twist mixed in and the story with a plot twist that I don't know where it is going at the moment.

Maybe because they
Spoiler is only at the end of chapter 4 so feel free to read if you did pass it..
Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 11:59:53 pm by DDay
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Playing through Crono Trigger for the first time in over 10 years.   I kinda didn't realize how not-so great this game is.  Particularly, in that it has so little focus in the gameplay and plot, that you essentially just wander into half of the plot points, and the battle system is obnoxious enough that it doesn't give you your maximum hp during battle (I had another 200 hp or so I didn't realize I had during one of the boss battles).   There is no way that anybody who doesn't have all the time in the world could beat this game without a guide
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Playing through Crono Trigger for the first time in over 10 years.   I kinda didn't realize how not-so great this game is.  Particularly, in that it has so little focus in the gameplay and plot, that you essentially just wander into half of the plot points, and the battle system is obnoxious enough that it doesn't give you your maximum hp during battle (I had another 200 hp or so I didn't realize I had during one of the boss battles).   There is no way that anybody who doesn't have all the time in the world could beat this game without a guide
Guss you never play Phantasy Star 2 ... I personally love Phantasy Star 2 but some can call it a grind fest and if you answer the wrong answers on a dialog branch and save over your save without a backup you can kiss your Megid (spell\tech) goodbye the only real effective way to do damage to the last boss granted it dose a low amount damge to all party members.
Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 11:57:48 pm by DDay
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I signed in just to bump this topic and tell all y'all w/iOS devices that Groove Coaster is really great
Taito just took Space Invaders Infinity Gene's great aesthetics and used them in a rhythm game
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that being said the arcade version is better
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I'm currently playing Dead MAN Donny.
Dead MAN Donny is an RPG Action/Racing game. The objective of the game is that YOU, Dead MAN Donny, must find out your reason To Be. To accomplish this goal you MUST upgrade your Kabbalah to make your astral magic go faster and reach the Dasein first. 
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I've been playing the first Sly game in the HD collection.So good.I've been playing the first Sly game in the HD collection.So good.
coque protection Nexus 6 housse Google Nexus 6
Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 11:57:01 pm by Hundley
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Final Fantasy 14 has Triple Triad and Chocobo Racing now, so I'm playing that until the game time runs out in a month. They kept FF8's Triple Triad theme, so no worries there.
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Picked up FFXIII-2 (360) on the cheap a while back, finally cracked into it with what available free time for an RPG that I have.  Otherwise, been playing XeoDrifter on the 3DS and Smash Bros on Wii U.
Last Edit: March 28, 2015, 04:37:03 am by Kezay
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Usually play my PC more than anything, but lately I'm on the Wii U almost exclusively (which is odd because when I got that console I assumed I'd only be playing it for smash) Been playing a little smash, a lot of splatoon, and have gone a bit crazy over super mario maker.
That is pretty much the reason I'm bumping this topic. I am pretty much flabbergasted about not hearing anyone else mention it here before myself. I thought at least a couple of folks still here would be crazy over mario maker, and I'm NEVER the guy who mentions something first! Also wondering if I started a topic for posting level codes, if more than one other person would actually be interested in checking that out.
C'mon guys, I'm pretty desperate for star coins at this point. I know I got the level design chops, but none of the folks actually playing this game are sophisticated enough to appreciate my genius! 
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Usually play my PC more than anything, but lately I'm on the Wii U almost exclusively (which is odd because when I got that console I assumed I'd only be playing it for smash) Been playing a little smash, a lot of splatoon, and have gone a bit crazy over super mario maker.
That is pretty much the reason I'm bumping this topic. I am pretty much flabbergasted about not hearing anyone else mention it here before myself. I thought at least a couple of folks still here would be crazy over mario maker, and I'm NEVER the guy who mentions something first! Also wondering if I started a topic for posting level codes, if more than one other person would actually be interested in checking that out.
C'mon guys, I'm pretty desperate for star coins at this point. I know I got the level design chops, but none of the folks actually playing this game are sophisticated enough to appreciate my genius! 
Apparently you need to make more levels like this:
But I don't have a Wii U, and it's probably been like five years since I've played a game this close to launch anyway, so this is the only input I can contribute on the matter. Sorry.
Anyway, I've actually been meaning to bump this topic. I have no idea why, since virtually nobody seems to use this message board more than once or twice a year anymore. But I've been meaning to bump it anyway. "You Don't Need REason To Post Inane Shit About VideoGames"
So I have been playing this Faster Than Light game, and I am [hopefully] at the tail-end of my little mini addiction to it. I kinda felt like HOT SHIT for finding this thing when I thought it was fairly obscure, but now the internet tells me that I'm literally the last person in the world to play it. Small children in undiscovered civilizations, speaking unknown languages, who have yet to discover fire, are managing to obtain copies before I did.
Not much else to say about the game. It's pretty clever stuff, even if it isn't a really phenomenally in-depth game. It feels like there's about two hours of content, with this addictive edge to it. You play for a while, unlock a new ship, then have this incredible urge to try out that new ship to see if it sucks somewhat less than the previous piece of shit ship you were stuck with(which it usually does). It's surprising that this does not get tiresome, even after you grow fond of one of your crewmembers, that plucky little idiot human you let hide in your oxygen room, only to have them get eaten by a swarm of mantis men while you're busy trying to set up a shot for your beam weapons. You still want to keep playing, possibly due to a desire to seek REVENGE UPON ALL FILTHY, DEGENERATE MANTIS MEN. JUST START A NEW GAME AS THE MANTIS SHIP AND OPEN ALL THE AIR LOCKS TO SEE HOW THOSE FUCKBALLS LIKE GETTING CUT DOWN IN THEIR PRIME.
Also played D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die for the second time recently. Nobody posted about this here, so I'm going to: This game rocks. The major knock on it is that it's episodic, and there's only been one episode released yet. So this may end up being the sort of game that BEGINS EXCELLENT and ENDS TERRIBLE, but what's there is pretty tight stuff. It's by the dude who made Deadly Premonition, and while the story isn't quite as good as DP was, it's without a totally deplorable and boring introduction and an even worse combat system. Despite having a pretty funky interface, it's pretty easy to get sucked into it. I actually played it the first time with a couple friends on their big-screen TV, some were just watching it, and everyone got a kick out of it. It's rare that a game has the narrative chops to pull that off.
It's not without faults, though. Quicktime events are pretty prevalent, though they're about as tastefully done as I've seen in a videogame. And you get the feeling that there isn't much substance behind the glitz of the presentation and the wackiness of the story itself, though you could have said that about Deadly Premonition too in the first couple hours, so it's hard to make final declarations about the game. In general I didn't feel as strongly about the characters in D4 as I did in the characters from DP, but, again, it took most of the game for me to get to that point.
So I've posted on this message board, I am a good fucking boy.
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Faster Than Light is great! I was addicted for a couple weeks there. Right now I'm on Shovel Knight and Super Meat Boy (took me long enough right?) Also still trying to finish GTAV, holy shit what a game. Since the release of TubeHax on the 3DS, I've been playing a decent amount of RType 3 on the SNES emulator. I can't get the GBA emulator to work or I'd be all over FFV again, I love that game.
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Hundley: That's an amazing level. I wish I could be half as edgy with my designs. I feel like you'd be really good at coming up with really cool level concepts like that one, so if you ever do, let me know and I'll glady take all the credit for them.
Yeah, I would have mentioned getting into FTL pretty hard, twice. But It's been a while since I played it, and I fear I wouldn't stop if I got back into it  a third time(I think I still have yet to clear normal mode even).
Had been playing quite a few recent 3ds titles lately since I got my gateway card working again. Was finally able to see why so many folks threw hype over A Link Between Worlds, but I have to say frankly, it was rather disappointing actually playing it. Sure, I was able to appreciate how the changes they made were extremely solid game design choices. They were able to address both of the problems with not just classic, but even most modern zelda games. Namely, the problem of making the progress taken away by death feel actually relevant, and making the act of collecting rupees feel worthwhile regardless of how many you already have already collected/spent. Unfortunately both of those changes end up coming entirely at the cost of immersion, which wouldn't be too high a cost to pay if it were literally any other series.
The overall experience comes off as over-tailored and inorganic, entirely far-gone from that sense of exploration and discovery that was the driving force for the development of all those early zelda titles. The dungeons no longer offer any mystery or discovery that makes them feel genuinely rewarding to explore, but rather come off as a series of strung-together mechanics you only feel obligated to complete in order to progress that much further towards the next series of chores. It makes me wonder if they had taken the exact same design philosophy and game mechanics, and set them to an entirely new setting that had literally no connection to Link to the Past, if it would have gotten nearly the same level of acclaim in it's reception, or if it would have just turned out to be yet another 'Spirit Tracks' (or was it 'phantom train'? I can't even recall)
It's still got some fun stuff going on that makes it worth playing, I'm just saying if I had paid actual money in order to do it, I would have felt genuinely cheated. They did take the one mechanic I hated the absolute most about 3d zelda games (wall sliding) and make it actually fun to do though. It's certainly an impressive feat, but it's not really as super innovative as folks are making it out to be. Also all I can think about while doing that mechanic was how it always made the dungeons you have to use it in feel all the more separate and alien from the actual world they're placed in (I keep on asking things like "Okay, but in the context of the game's setting, who actually BUILT these dungeons? Did they know ahead of time that the person who's supposed to traverse them can transform into a painting? The boss can't turn himself into a painting, how the heck did they get him all the way into that boss room? What if the destined hero DIDN'T happen to be in the exact right place at the exact right time to gain the ability to turn himself into a painting at will? Would he simply be unable to ever actually obtain the Master Sword? Would the wizard that's trying to revive Ganon have actually succeeded if he'd gone with literally ANY OTHER motif than *magic paintings*?" Yes it seems nit-picky, and I'm supposed to simply wave my hand at it after a certain point, but I can't get past this! I always ASSUMED this series was about world building!)
I dunno, I genuinely can't tell if I am fielding legitimate complaints, or if I am just venting my jaded frustrations at my own loss of innocence and discovery when it comes to playing video games. (or if I am simply blowing things out of proportion entirely on purpose, and the only REAL issue I have with this adaptation is that the ONLY boss I'd actually WANT to see re-created on a 3d projected console was the ONLY boss from the classic game they removed entirely!) I was really attached to LttP back when I first played it, and it feels like what they have done in order to tap into that core sense of nostalgia is the perfect metaphor for what's happened over the years to my own personal sense of love and appreciation of games and game design I had a child. In that they hollowed it out, stuffed in a bunch of self-congratulatory 'clever designy bits' and put a frame around it so they could hang it on a wall.
I'm still one or one and a half dungeons from completing it, and I can only think of ONE thing that would turn this entire experience around for me: (and that's ONLY if it turns out that little douchebag that sells you all your shit is actually the *twist ending* REAL big bad guy. They seem to be hinting at leading up to some kind of twist around the obligatory Ganon confrontation, but I seriously doubt it's going to be all that clever*) Maybe I'll try getting back to Shovel Knight after I finally put this game behind me, I've only just recently unlocked the NewGame+ mode.
Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 05:44:05 am by EvilDemonCreature
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Undertale is good, though I can't bring myself to complete a genocide run.
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Undertale is good, though I can't bring myself to complete a genocide run.
That's not surprising. Not long after the game came out, I ended up getting it for myself for no other reason than to make sure my very first run of the game was a "Only murder Papyrus" run. Was really geared up for it (because if I wasn't going to murder that guy, I don't think ANYONE ever would), but immediately regretted my decision, and playing the rest of the game really took a lot out of me.
I'll get back to it at some point so I can go back and do that full "hardcore mode" run, but I just gotta step away for a bit first and really reevaluate some things about my life...