Topic: The OLYMPIC GAMES!!! (Read 3487 times)

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What is the bigest barrier to a global country?
idk but its biggest asset is mcdonalds
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The biggest barrier is our evolution as a species to be honest. There's no particular thing that makes it not work, everything makes it not work, it just basically could never work.

Plus I don't even think it'd be a good idea, regardless if it could work or not. Having dumb hateful pride for your country and blind ignorant hate for every other country is just plain bad but also unavoidable. The solution isn't of course one country (NOW WHO DO YOU HATE/STOP HITTING YOURSELF (if you get my drift)) but global tolerance, which is also not an easy feat.

Different cultures and ideals are important for a variety of reasons. I'm of the opinion that higher education (and dissolving cultural myths/superstitions) is the best way toward global understanding, but even that is not a great solution, because higher education isn't for everyone.

It's a truly insoluble problem IMO. The only way we'd ever get close is if we had to because we became part of some intergalactic group of civilizations, because we'd kinda be forced to at least work together. But that will never happen. A global culture isn't a solution to any problem, and is a bad idea overall IMO.
yes coulombs are "germaine", did you learn that word at talk like a dick school?
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I don't mean a global culture, we need to keep seprate culture, that's what makes each part of the world awesome and unique, I meant every country forming under one banner but still mainting some self ownership, kindal Like america, all the states make there own rules but they all follow the policy of the white house, except rules in imporant matters are on a fedral level, and only minor things should be a state level matter,  each state would have there own culture and traditions, but would follow the lead of the centralised global policy that's decided by the population of earth but argued by a group of people made up of representatives from each states, there would be no "prime minister or president" and only things could pass if 80-90 percent of the people agreed (on the planet) the job of the people in the group is to argue for and against policy to try and convince the global population which way is good and to also discuss and bring to the table problems.

I don't think we will ever have global tollerance, it's almost an evolved thing for us to hate some one or somthing just for being slightly differant, hence if a hostile alien species attacked we would instantly flock behind a single banner, those that don't would die leaving just the people who want to fight together simply becuase there attacking and there differant.
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I seriously suspect the refs just fixed the match I just watched. Twitter also exploded with fury over their decision to let the guy, who was knocked down five times in the most insane comeback in boxing history, win through an absurd jury score. He also should have been counted out but the ref refused to do it.
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Boxing is kind of absurd in it's own right, it's basically "punch the other guy until you give him brain damage."
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In this case Shimizu practically knocked his head off, and somehow he managed to get only like 3 points more than his opponent in the final round which had his opponent tumbling to the floor five times without a single count (while Shimizu himself was counted three times in an earlier round, even though he hadn't even fallen down yet).

I'm not one to jump to suspicions of major misconduct easily but I really think this match was fixed.
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Olympic boxing is notorious for baffling decisions and depressing rules, nothing new there I'm afraid Dada.
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I've been watching and yesterday I watched Russia blow the women's team gymnastics gold medal as all the balance checks killed it for them. Well at least they gave it up to USA.
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Olympic boxing is notorious for baffling decisions and depressing rules, nothing new there I'm afraid Dada.
I see, well that's depressing to know. I guess the mafia allure of boxing permeates even the supposedly wonderful Olympics.
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you birts and your Double Canoe just wow that's all i need to say.
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serena williams vs. wozniacki was ridiculous. this is the first time i've watched a complete tennis match in years and i was on the edge of my seat.
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Boxing is kind of absurd in it's own right, it's basically "punch the other guy until you give him brain damage."

all boxing should be replaced by chessboxing
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I like chess boxing, but I think it should be played on motorcycles.
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Is that Ninja from Die Antwoord? That looks exactly like him.
yes coulombs are "germaine", did you learn that word at talk like a dick school?
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WTF, I was away for a couple of days and only heard shit, but when the fuck did the UK get 10 gold medals?!

I know the two on Wednesday, and one on thursday, but wow.
Hey hey hey
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lolz Australia is sucking.
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Australia is doing well in LONGJUMP at the second!!!
Hey hey hey