Topic: TALKSPACE 2013 (also plans 4 winter jam) (Read 8741 times)

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i changed my display name and now i feel like a New Man  :gunz:
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Dunno if you guys heard about this yet, but I feel like this is right up everyone's alley or otherwise.
Also, hello.  First post in a long while.
wow, this is kind of tough!
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"No results found for 'twitter is the only thing you're good at'."
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I was playing Streets of Rage II with my nephew and let me see it's annoying as hell that some games back then had the mode where you could hit each other while others didn't, and of course in SoRII you can't shut it off. Also the original Double Dragon is two-player ALTERNATING. wtf
it's a weird game imo actually, the enemy names are bizarre sometimes and also each level seems to feature all the bosses from the previous stage. Like even by level 3 it's like that, and the game just keeps shoving more and more previous bosses at you as the game goes on to the point it causes lag. I made it to level 7 and where I died was some elevator that literally THROWS enemies/old bosses at you which I assume would've gone on indefinitely as the exponential frequency of boss enemies reaches infinity
also the amount of variety/assets/length of each stage seems to be completely random. stage 2 consists of a bridge and the interior of truck, but stage 3 has outside amusement park, arcade area, interior/exterior of pirate ship, more outside, then an alien area probably inspired by the Alien movies. Stage 5 is just some drab ship interiors and exterior and the re-use of assets gets really bad by this point. Also Stage 6 doesn't even have an original boss, it's just two bosses from previous levels at the same time. Also the first level has signs saying CLAP CLAP and DUNK
Last Edit: June 28, 2014, 10:09:40 pm by Ragnar
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no more heroes
boop oop a doop
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that is an amusing pic. not only is malcolm in the middle going bald, he's a neocon and arpaio doesn't drop that scowl for anyone.
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lol is he really a neocon?

I'm going to try and see a psychologist really soon for a couple years now I have been working myself at an almost unnatural level. And I think that because of which I've caused myself to pull a muscle inside of my abdomen, develop pretty much incurable carpel tunnel syndrome in both my wrists and I've been having stomach pains and blood in my stool (it happened like twice) very recently.

I cannot turn my brain off and have trouble sleeping unless I work to physical exhaustion and stay high most of the time when I get off and refuse to watch most news networks, or television because I will either think about it too much or develop some neurotic rage from it. I get like, a mental fatigue. And I keep thinking about a world or things that I cannot control and should not give a shit about.

I actually get a neurotic rage alot of the time but I mostly just point it at things that piss me off or bad people but I think its getting to the point where my institutionalized ass is going to get into trouble for it.
Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 11:19:09 am by Mope
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yeah but now he's a reformed country musician

And I did talk to a doc and he suggested that I have a mild case of bi-polar and manic disorder. Not manic depressive just fucking balls to the walls crazy tin foil on my head trying to feed my stuffed dog fruit loops manic. I'm at work waiting on some med he diagnosed me hoping it'll help stop fucking warp drive.


that sounds exactly like it
Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 12:50:09 am by Mope
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good luck farren. when I can't stop thinking about something I meditate with "so hum", but I just have anxiety.
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thanks man I really really hope it works. If it does I'm probably going to stop doping myself to lethargy because its probably not helping my insides. The only thing thats worked for me is physically draining myself or marijuana, the first is slowly killing me and the former I can't have in order to make a living which really sucks. 
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woke disoriented to a message that miley's instagramming pics of exploring abandoned buildings and of kathleen hanna (bikini kill, 90s grrl rock band) i guess miley is my cthulhu-dream, and welcome to R'lyeh
I haven't had a memorable dream in a long time, but last night I had a long one. it was some kind of huge evening get-together with a ton of people from my high school, yawn etc - the interesting part is that you were supposed to come in costume, not halloween monster costumes or anything, but dress like a 50s reporter or whatever. I intrinsically knew I had to go as Miley Cyrus (present-era & not as a joke on any level), and that there would be a lot of  difficulties and hurdles in the way of achieving this goal. as I was planning the costume before-hand I knew I could get ridiculed for dressing as a woman, but I reasoned if I could look just like her people would be too caught up in how accurate an impression it is it is to criticize.

before the event I was planning and getting the materials together. it was going really well. I had shades and little shiny earrings that looked great, but the baseball cap wasn't doing it...but wait, if I push it back on my head and flip the brim up, puffing my hair out the front a little, I look just like Miley. the rest of the outfit was really important too, though I'm not sure I've ever seen the real Miley Ray Cyrus dress anything like it. it was sort of a mix of punk and hip hop and chic fashion. an incomprehensible black top & jacket, ambiguous bracelets. the jeans were super important, high-wasted skinny jeans that, combined with my black patent heels and showing bare ankle, looked to me exactly like Miley's legs(?)
still, when I got to the event I was fucking unprepared and had a big ol stressful time trying to put together the finishing touches for it to be perfect, or else I wouldn't look like miley at all I would just look like garbage. it was a big mall/school-like complex, and I went in a holistic healing/head shop owned by a girl I went to high school with to use their disgusting public bathroom (a recurring theme in my dreams if ur new to these). at this point I realized my neck was incredibly hairy and needed to be shaved. my alarm woke me up but I went back to sleep to make sure I shaved my entire neck to the hairline and got back to my friends at their table, looking like an extremely good impression of miley cyrus. then it was ok to wake up.
Last Edit: August 09, 2014, 05:11:35 pm by E-Z Chips
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you are definitely the lovecraft of men who feel a subconscious compulsion to dress like miley

that was fuckin' awesome. you should copy it and make it an article of some sort.
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true that miley rc is a incomprehensible cosmic force 2 me, but I guess the MAIN difference between me and lovecraft's protagonists is that rather than being stricken by horror & insatiable curiosity, I like it but I don't want to know more
tho I think the dream was more about physically BECOMING miley as a sort of super-human ideal
Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 02:40:06 am by E-Z Chips
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2015 miley posts in dumpthread and releases a zx spectrum style artgame
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She seems kuul in mai bookz. why don't we invite her over!!!! would find likeminded people (earl's knees buckle, eerm aarhm *HUU* redfaced'n'sweatin', i-i got some... abandoned buildin piccies you might like, Miles...!)
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H-h-h-h-Hey Miz Cyrus!!! P-please excuse this place! Haha, we's just havin' a great time, kickin' it, doin' whatever. *sweeps famicon bootlegs treatise under rug* Haha *shoves Doom Imp-themed rug into closet with foot* Been to any good shows lately? Besides your own good show... I mean, heh heh... E-excuse me... *ducks into closet secret room to turn off monitors displaying multiple open mturk tasks*
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*acc'dent'lly hits the degauss button... comically jerks head as Miley looks up from cappuccino at rich, sonorous inimitable CRT sounds*
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SPOT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!