Topic: Super Smash Bros. Brawl [11/05/2007: Fox's Misfortune/Fire Emblem Theme] (Read 77739 times)

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Haha man lucky guess! I think you can tell us all the updates now.
yeah its real easy to predict the future when you can just edit your posts
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yeah its real easy to predict the future when you can just edit your posts

Yep. Let's all predict the updates now. [Space ][/Space].
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ºoºO[Jayce]Oºoº - Sentimental Generation - says (7:07 PM):

Jeeves says (7:07 PM):

Jeeves says (7:08 PM):

Jeeves says (7:08 PM):
The link doesn't work! :(

ºoºO[Jayce]Oºoº - Sentimental Generation - says (7:09 PM):
Keep trying, the site's getting pretty hammered since so many people are looking at it.

Jeeves says (7:09 PM):
Oh okay...

Jeeves says (7:15 PM):

ºoºO[Jayce]Oºoº - Sentimental Generation - says (7:16 PM):
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Supporting your analysis on Sonic, it would definitely be a good idea to put Mega Man in Brawl as well. His sales have been considerably low. I mean, when is the last time we've seen Mega Man on a console game? That was MMX8, and that was way back in 2003/2004. If I had to guess, I think his audience is getting a little smaller (with exception of his hardcore followers, like myself) and is finding a niche in the younger crowd with the Battle Network and Star Force franchises.

Actually, this article explains it all:

I think putting Mega Man in Brawl would give Capcom some decent cash they can loan to Keiji Inafune (Mega Man's creator) so that he could make a Mega Man Legends 3, since he basically said in the article that he needs "someone to throw money at him" for a next-gen Mega Man to happen. He ALSO said that it doesn't necessarily have to be someone from Capcom that gives him that money.

So yeah.
When was the last time Kid Icarus was in a platformer?  I vaguely remember a GameBoy game starring Kid Icarus, but that's it.  (Kid Icarus is still awesome, though).

Mega Man would be awesome.

..:: Full game is released.  Download it now! ::..
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[sarcasm] I hope they keep Game & Watch in the series, because his game sales are pretty low. [/sarcasm]   :shh:
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When was the last time Kid Icarus was in a platformer?  I vaguely remember a GameBoy game starring Kid Icarus, but that's it.  (Kid Icarus is still awesome, though).

Kid Icarus is an actual Nintendo character.
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Oddly, I was thinking of a few old characters that I've always thought ought to be honored with a spot in a Smash Bros. game:

Pacman - One of the oldest game characters, right up there in the venerable ranks of the Pong paddle and such. I'm thinking Super Pacman style too, rather than the old-school 2D pizza-shaped pacman, the one with eyes and a cape and all. Final Smash being the power pill, where everyone goes all "blue ghost" (looses the ability to attack for the duration of the smash, and their appearance changes to monochrome blue with white eyespots)

Megaman - Old-school, or X style. With all the different mega man powers through the years, Im thinking the ability to swap between suit-types and the plain B attack changing accordingly. As for a Final Smash, something along the lines of calling in Rush as a secondary fighter, or to bomb the heck out of the stage.

Chrono - They seem to have avoided RPG characters so far (unless you count FE), but Chrono is so nearly a fighting game character already, he would work well (not to mention, with the addition to the SSB lineup, Development of Chrono Break might be able to continue again). As far as a final smash, possibly calling in a cameo combo with other characters, or just Luminare.

Black Mage/Vivi - FF needs a representation in Smash Bros. being one of the oldest and largest RPG franchises that Nintendo ever started, and Vivi is one of the few developed characters that hearkens back to the very beginning of the series, yet is a developed character. for a Final Smash, I'm thinking Trance Mode MagicX for Vivi, or in the case of the Black Mage, Ultima.

P.S. ...and like parasols to simulate Peach's moves, Excitebikes should definitely be an item to simulate Wario's bike. Not to mention it'd be flipping sweet to mow people down with a piece of ancient Nintendo history.
If no one went off on tangents, we'd keep going in circles.

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I agree that Excitebikes would be an awesome item... Most of those characters don't seem too good though, imo. I hope not, but in the end Sonic will probably end up being a character.  :fogetsad: Ah, well.

The new update isn't good, I think! The hammer was a very powerful item, and adding another one that's stronger isn't very good.

I'd like for this to be a slower game, like the original. I liked that pacing better.  :fogetcrazy:

Damn these foget things are awesome!  :fogetcool:
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If Sonic is included, and I'm hoping he is, he's going to be need to be released soon, before the commercials/final trailers are released. I doubt such a climactic character would be included as a secret character when the games marketability will practically skyrocket if he is announced. I have no idea what events are coming up, but if theres an E3 or something of the sort between now and Dec 3rd, that'll either make or break him.
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Thank god for today's update. Now we know! :P

- Fried Codes -
brawl: 1848-1345-8316
wii: 5904-3233-6495-7865

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And now I'd be willing to bet the Wii will be taking the lead (or increasing the lead, I don't know the current numbers) and keeping it too. Wifi confirmed, and they didn't confine it to friend codes. And with Brawl paving the way for games no longer being confined to friend codes, well, I guess that will contribute to them taking and keeping the lead.

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Man, that's a pretty sweet set-up.
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I feel pretty relieved that brawl online is finally reconfirmed after all the talk of there being no Wi-Fi play. With all of the new stuff announced, online is just the icing on the cake for this game. I mean, the sheer volumes of stuff being announced for this had me thinking that it would be an awesome successor to melee whether it had online or not but now that it's confirmed, I'm pumped. The set-up looks really nice and the promise of new online features to be announced it exciting. Unfortunately, the more pumped I get about playing this game, the more frustrating waiting until march (supposedly) to play it is going to be painful. Especially the period of time within which I get to hear people from the US talk about playing the game and sit by myself cursing region locks.
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And now I'd be willing to bet the Wii will be taking the lead (or increasing the lead, I don't know the current numbers) and keeping it too. Wifi confirmed, and they didn't confine it to friend codes. And with Brawl paving the way for games no longer being confined to friend codes, well, I guess that will contribute to them taking and keeping the lead.

I'm not sure about Pokemon Battle Revolution, though as far as first party games go, Mario Strikers: Charged isn't confined to FCs either.  I'd cite EA's games but they're running on EA Nation, not Nintendo WFC.
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*breathes heavily*

Aw crap. I'm from the Philippines, so I might be screwed with Nintendo WFC matches cross-Pacific. You Americans are lucky.  :fogetsad: Then again, local multiplayer isn't so bad either. Oh wait. I may be screwed again.  :fogetsad:

I think I wanna cry...and to think this update was actually good.

EDIT: Wait, I forgot that I don't have a wi-fi connection at home, so...
Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 08:16:08 am by Blackdest
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Lan adaptor :rite:
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I'm not sure about Pokemon Battle Revolution, though as far as first party games go, Mario Strikers: Charged isn't confined to FCs either.  I'd cite EA's games but they're running on EA Nation, not Nintendo WFC.

Oh. Didn't realize that with all the bitching against Wii using FC's only. Maybe I should stop listening to jester's rants concerning the Wii haha.

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Sweet! What an awesome update. +5 to my boner.

All the rumors that online play would be scrapped had me scared since I've always wanted to destroy all the people who are all "lolz i pwn ur mom noob." Now I know I'll get a chance to do this. The best part is knowing I can play my buddies living in Chicago right here from the suburbs. This is easily one of the best updates so far.

@Biggles: Man, that sucks for you. I thought waiting until December 3rd was tough. I feel your pain.

On a side note, does anyone else thing the character damage thing is a bit too bulky?
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Oh. Didn't realize that with all the bitching against Wii using FC's only. Maybe I should stop listening to jester's rants concerning the Wii haha.
Or maybe you should actually read them rather than skimming them haha.

I did mention Mario FC is one of the first (and so far one of the only) really online Nintendo games, and it's good that there will be more. It's still dumb that they aren't all plainly online, though, every other modern company are doing it and none of them have BURNED IN A HELLDEATH PIT OF FIRE yet.