I wish there was something I/we could do for you, but you've said in the past you absolutely don't want money. I'm not sure prayers will do anything coming from a non-religious person. You and your family seem to have the ability to find the best doctors since you've said in the past that you get recommendations from doctors who are family friends, so we probably can't help there.
If there is anything we can do to help you in some way, just name it. Laugh all you want, but you've been a huge influence on me and some inexplicably important part of my life for the past few years. I can't imagine coming here one day with the knowledge that you're no longer here, that the only thing left for us to think and laugh about are your old posts. I honestly don't think I'd be able to come back. I'm starting to tear up as I write this and I hate myself for it because it's just so goddamn dumb to be emotionally connected to an internet pal, but I think most people will agree with me that you are unique individual, both from what we've seen in your internet persona and from the few glimpses of audio, video, pictures you've given us. I don't want you to ever leave us, so please give your best shot to staying mentally and physically strong. You've shown us that you had the will power to get through one round of chemo, so even if your own will is waning, please do everything you can to stay alive for everyone who cares about you in real life and here.