A pity you couldn't get the animation screen to be bigger

Anyway Aten, I gave this a shot and I want to clarify some things:
1. To install I would have to copy one RPG RT to a project of mine yes? And then, I have to use the 2003 application provided by the patch right? (why can't I use the original application btw?)
2. To uninstall the patch, what step should I take? I tried copying back the original RPG_RT into the folder and use the old application (not the one provided by the patch). Well, it worked, but should I attempt to use the patch application, the David/goliath patch still apply. Do I have to un/reinstall RPGMAKER to completely remove the patch? (i.e. should I worry about this)?
3. I liked the david patch, but I don't like the animation screen being a bit low (not in the middle). Is there a way you can change this?
Thanks in advance.
EDITBtw, if you use default Rm2k3 application after using david/goliath patch; enemies stats are changed (to 999 if you previously set it to 9999) dunno if the actual performance is changed though!
Also I find it funny that even after I uninstall/remove RM2k3 from my computer (via control panel); if I use the application from the patch, it still opens up RM2k3 as normal. I am not sure if this is suppose to happen heh.