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This is the last topic he posted in before leaving (besides a brief return) http://www.saltw.net/index.php?topic=76324.60

It was upsetting at the time and it's upsetting now. Not just for his completely inappropriate comment directed at Trystero (what a fucking doozy!) but his lack of empathy for people dealing with depression. I hope he responds and at least apologizes but I dunno if that would be enough for me. Some of his claims about attention whoring through depression are so personally insulting I have very little interest in inviting this guy back (though it kind of seems he is gone again anyway).

?!? randy, raaaaandy! raaaaa~aaandy. *vibrato* raaa~aa~aa~a~a~a~--ndy. where ya been fucker, look who'se talking, where did ya disapear... get the fuck outta my house (forum) ya bad boy...
Do You Know You're The Best? I don't think anyone else even noticed my absence over the last few years but you reach out to me in PM every once in awhile and then jump right on my posts demanding my response. Thank you.

I know I don't post much, I had my reasons. I do regularly visit, though, and I'm very proud of all the developers/creators who got a start here, the people of this site are finally getting the recognition they deserve and it has been very exciting to watch. Anyway, if I take my shoes off and throw them at Obama, can I stay awhile?
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Fuck you. I think we gamed or something once upon a time (briefly) and you were cool but you left like a complete dick and this is your first time back since then so yea fuck you????? Did you think people would not look at your post history?
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half a month late but neither are ironic, earl, I just love baseball. I own a few hats from other teams while Nick Swisher is a decent player with a rare bit of personality (by MLB standards). I don't really 'like' anything on facebook though (it's a really stupid system and probably designed to sell you shit) so it probably stands out for that reason.

I did sort of a drive by post before but I think stuff like facebook/twitter are great for staying in touch; they are just progressions from email, blogs and forums. Don't get caught up in other bullshit like games and I don't see how you can be wasting time, unless you consider the conversations with people a waste of time. That's a whole different issue, though. What else are you doing on there? If it's a distraction at work then that again is a separate issue and I have ideas for addressing that if you wanna hear them. How is it coming Ed?

And I missed Biggles post before soliciting your friendship Jamie, if your post was in response to his then I can see those concerns and certainly understand them. However, facebook doesn't need to be a serious thing, just like Twitter. I'd rather use it infrequently and have a way of following one of my favorite GW artists after this site's death than worry about if some boss is going to use it against me. Plus there are privacy setting but by in large I avoid putting anything on there of substance that couldn't be found elsewhere.
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I actually don't have any friends yet I still find excuses to go on facebook more than I have any reason to (the occasional update on some society/uni related thing that actually guides my behaviour in any way). Maybe I should get rid of it.

nah instead add me  http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=8642016
ASE is on there, too. You can follow ASE's life from afar.
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Just got dicked by my Minister of the Interior in Hidden Agenda. I picked him to focus on improving infrastructure but instead he just ignored the needs of anybody not formerly in the dictator's military. I guess I was just suppose to play truth and reconciliation with these guys because the rebels didn't do shit to protect me.
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Yea Im in Madison let's meet up if you wanna. We're facebook friends though so if you do we can do this there
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diddy kong racing for the 64 was pretty good and had battle similar to mario kart 64. Donkey Kong 64 was alright too, a mix of FPS and 3rd person battle

The multiplayer for freedom fighters was also kinda cool, you fought against each other with squads.

I dunno if these count as 'obscure' though
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well I agree with that but isn't something lost in translation anyway? It seems some of the really jarring dialogue and exposition in anime might not be so out of place in its original language. I don't know that for sure though since I don't speak any Japanese
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Nah I saw all that falling too, Spain didn't play close to fucking clean and they got lot's of help from the ref.

Honkball forever
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hahaha you gotta be kidding, Spain flopped the entire game, and I think it was Iniesta who got away with retaliatory shove because the ref wasn't watching. It's games like this one which turn me off of soccer
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I'm not really opposed to the changes but I can tell you why I am a little frustrated that it's the direction you are going with it. I always thought the site was gearing itself more towards a general creativity platform. The mainsite would be a place for aspiring film makers, writers, musiscans, game makers, etc to show their shit while the staff's responsibility would be tracking down such content from nonmembers and show casing it (and maybe drawing in these nonmembers in the process). Or maybe they'd just submit tutorials, interviews and resources which can be used in projects, I dunno. But the point is it'd be like gaming world where it had both final products and the tools for making stuff. except it'd be beyond just games. The current direction though, maybe I've misunderstood, sounds like it's just games. I know the news section is supposed to reflect the community/forums but it's like it's a second thought to gaming. And if you're someone who's interest in game making has dwindled or never existed, and you've been sticking around, it really is kinda of a disappointment. Jamie's one of our consistently most creative members, a fucking reason to hang around, does he even do games anymore? The legion and faust types abandoned this place and Jamie types have stuck it out. Yet the site is being made for the former group, while it has always seemed to be the direction of this community to be more humor/creativity oriented rather than tied to some specific medium.

And I still have some interest in game making, I'm not dogging that at all. It just seems so limiting. And sorry if some of this has been addressed, I was keeping up but may have missed something.
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hey, chef? T-mac? you there? Got one word for you:

a woo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo oo o oo oo o  o oo o oo oo oo  o o oo oo o oo oo o o
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Most of GW is the shit that Im gonna miss. It's just not the same
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Baseball is great. There's a lot of interesting history and overall MLB is doing really well. This is because it's run by a bunch of nepotistic, super-capitalists, though, and there are organizations that basically try to put out as cheap a "team" as possible so they can pocket revenue sharing. Also, the ownership is really good at making the players look like criminals for wanting more millions while they get to be part of the most successful american sport right now!

That stuff is just a reality though (the MLBPA is a pretty effective Union and does a lot to keep the owners in check) and doesn't detract too much from enjoying the game. The game is cool because you can look at all the statistics and junk and/or live in a game to game mindset, celebrating when your scrappy white short stop hits his first and last dinger of the season

I watch probably 5 or 6 Twins games a week. The team produces pitchers who do not issue walks which saves a lot of frustration, though their staff isn't great. Liriano is making a comeback which is nice. Their offense looks solid, a good blend of sluggers and OBP machines, and of course Joe mauer. Their front office has been pretty poor, with trades like the Garza or Johan swaps netting virtually nothing of value (Delmong Young is a free swinging assshole) but had a good off season.

They are spending more than previously, have a cool new stadium I hope to get home to see, and have some fortune. Denard Span is probably my favorite player right now, he basically was shit in the minors, got lasik eye surgery, and in 2+ mlb seasons looks to be one of the most discerning players at the plate in the majors.

The Twins do have some flaws, and constantly winning a shit division seems to encourage fans that small ball or w/e is where their strength is and a historically bad front office is a few terrible contracts away from putting themselves in a tight spot. They are also one of two MLB teams that do not have a department dedicated to statistical analysis, and to appease the writers and fans whining about this, they brought someone in. A week later it was revealed this was just an internship hah
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that sounds like a joke but so does this so

Yea, are we sure this wasn't a joke? Usually they don't finish with 3 monologues so I thought it was a heavy handed "Thanks fascists, now we have to censor the good/peaceful stuff too" "heh"--but I couldn't be sure
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I'm pretty sure a lot of you read the poster's name before actually truly considering whatever the fuck it is they happen to be saying.


Besides the points already made, I'm also annoyed by the nationalistic bs and stewart and the cartoonist keep attaching this. john stewart actually uses 9/11 sensationalism in that video, you know, the kinda thing he gets viewership for mocking. Not depicting Muhammad is unamerican folks
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Also earl since you responded directly to me, I did not mean to imply you were Ghouling. I think it's very true that you run the risk of being a part of a system that does more harm than good. I just don't know that people will ever be privy to the kind of info necessary to make a decision right there on the spot.