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When you look at it that way, the fact that they never explained the numbers well, or what exactly the nature of the smoke monster was, didn't seem too important for me.

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I'm a pretty big slacker. In fact, for the past 12 months, I haven't done anything: no classes, no job, just hanging out with friends, watching TV shows, gaming, basketball and working out, just enjoying life. I would feel disgusted with myself for this utter lack of productivity... but I'm starting medical school this August and that somehow justifies a year of goofing off (I mean, when am I ever gonna' get a chance to just CHILL ever again? Right, thus my year off!). Towards the end of my senior year at undergrad, between classes, research, volunteering, the MCAT and med school applications, I was pretty burned out and told myself if I get in, I will not do a thing the following year. I amazingly have accomplished that promise.

i'm not learning anything and it's just going to be a waste of a lot of money.
You don't pay for the knowledge, you pay for the checkmark and letter grade on your transcript. I know it sounds bad, but really, my entire pre-med undergrad, I didn't learn how to be a doctor, I learned if I was qualified to be able to learn to be a doctor.

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Yeah, I didn't care too much about the characters of Iron Man 2... just went for the cool suit and explosions

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South Park gears more towards shock humor than actually being funny, and what's better than pissing off an already volatile group

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I use the computer QUITE a lot. I think everyone does, and it's not a big deal unless you don't have much else going for you. If you spend a good 6 hours on the computer a day, watching tv shows, reading articles, keeping up with the news, gaming websites, these forums, youtube, it's all good - just as long as your have your priorities straight and get those down before you kill hours upon hours online.

If I didn't have med school lined up, I would feel like a total worthless bum cause I haven't done shit this past year. Doesn't matter what you do, what matters is the situation you're in, and how you spend your time based on that makes anything justified or time well spent or whatever you want to call it.

Also have a social life and work out =D

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FF13 took 5 years to make and has no towns, minigames, worldmap, or exploration. It is literally a dungeon crawler.

Imagine how long it would take them to remake FF7 in the same quality. If they could do it, they would!
The reason it took abnormally long was because they started it as a ps2 game, then had to port it and revamp it to ps3 standards.

But yeah, the scope of ff7 would be tough as mess to get down right also

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So me and my friends decided to make some joke rap/hip-hop songs, inspired by The Lonely Island Boys and our own creative goofiness. We used Audacity and several really tight beats from various websites. Now they aren't amazing obviously, but I think we did a decent job for whipping these 4 songs up in a few days, lemme know what you guys think!

Our band is called 2B2B Whack (or, 2 Black 2 Be Whack), and our launch CD's gonna' be called African War Dance.


Some of the songs aren't finalized, but these are the essentials for what the final song will sound like. We did "2B2B Whack (Remix)" first, where I go first. My favorite, the one we did tonight, was "Shemale Ballard"...our attempt at a R&B love song about a shemale where I go second. I start off in Insanity, and didn't rap in the Leprechaun Remix =P

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you've been told all your life that sex is wrong, especially gay sex, and when you cut loose with a bunch of your bros in a hotel room a bunch of sexual energy and strong feelings start erupting and the only way to release the tension is through some old fashioned skin-on-skin rough-housing with the boys and veiling your feelings with irony
You know, that's what a psychologist would say, or heck, I would probably think it too if I didn't know everyone so well. But there isn't really any repression or feelings or enery or anything like that, a buncha guys humping another as the only way for him to wake up is hilarious (it was 2pm, and he would not wake up for the life of him).

This however was pure raging homosexuality, pent up from years of repression and forbidden desire.

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So I don't know about you guys, but for me and almost all of my friends, we are constantly super gay with each other. It started off with a penis joke here and there, but now all we do is go on these ridiculous tangents that are incredibly hilarious and of the most gay. I'm talking intense wrestling, an endless plethora of penis jokes, games of grab ass, you name it. We just got back from a trip, and seriously, all we did was comment on how massive this eastern-european dude's dick must be, yelling phrases like "I plow pussy like big farmer!" on and on and on.

This trip happened to be a big conference called East Zone where MSA groups from all across the east coast came (this year, it was in Atlanta). And it got me thinking - are we incredibly gay or do a lot of guys do this stuff when they get together, all bromantic and what not. Ironically, this trip was a Muslim Conference where we talked about our faith and being good Muslims, but in the hotel rooms, it was just retarded.

I wasn't there for THIS one...

I'm the one laughing like a maniac in the back...

Relax, there's no nudity. I can't believe my friend actually did this one...

Before anyone says anything, I'm fully aware that we are shockingly homosexual. But seriously guys, it's so funny, you just have to be there.

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Yeah, my PS3 went down last night. It works now though, they've been at it and IGN has been updating us on the progress. Check to see if your PS3 can runs games now.

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Just finished watching the summit... yeah, I watched all 7 hours of it

I thought the Democrats did fantastic. The CBO was with them all the way in terms of deficit reduction, and showed how medical malpractice wouldn't save more than $50 billion over 10 years, where as the Senate bill would save $1.2 trillion over 20 years. And also how, medical malpractice, the #1 issue from Republicans, doesn't even come close to addressing the actual issues of health care reform: raising premiums and opening access to 30 million Americans; dealing with pre-existing conditions and lowering over all costs.

And as for the "starting over" with a blank slate... I don't know why they kept saying it. I mean, about 70% of the bill is in agreement with Republicans, so there's no need to start over - that's just a talking point and political stunt. As they said, incremental steps isn't possible for this type of reform since EVERYTHING is so interconnected; there was even proof: states that did JUST insurance reform, or repealed pre-existing conditions, all had premiums EXPLODE with rate hikes. Makes sense right? If they repeal pre-existing conditions, only the sick get insurance and premiums will obviously explode. I didn't understand how a "high risk pool" was a good idea from the Republicans either... I mean, yes the high-risk people would be able to get insurance, but it would be incredibly expensive. The whole philosophy of insurance is the pool together high-risk and low-risk people, especially when in terms of HEALTH, everyone is at some risk.

I remember there was a heated exchange about whether or not PREMIUMS would rise under the Senate plan. CNN made the verdict that Obama was right, and premiums will decrease by about 14% - however, because everything will be CHEAPER overall, many families would opt for better coverage at the same premium price. This is what the Republican was saying, but really, you still have the option of staying on the cheap insurance that's 14% cheaper than what you're currently paying now. As for raising taxes on Americans? It's ONLY on people that make over $250,000 or a family that makes $500,000 ...there's nothing wrong with that! We're all trying to be doctors, and maybe one day will make that kind of money, will you people really mind paying higher taxes for the poor that are hurting? We'll be way better off and can easily afford to make that slight sacrifice.

No one should say that this is a government take over, the case MIGHT have been made when the public option was in play but that isn't anymore... the Senate Bill just sets REGULATIONS for insurance exchanges. It's like saying the fact that the FDA (food and drug admin.) exists means there's a GOVERNMENT TAKE OVER over what we eat - obviously that's not the case. It just sets regulations on what we eat, making sure nothing is toxic or bad - or in this case, insurance that you pay for and then drop the second you get sick.

And it seemed President Obama is opening to doing tort reform - even though, if it's so important to Republicans, I don't know why they didn't proceed with this sort of bill back when Bush and the Republicans was in charge. It seems as though reconciliation is the way President Obama is going to proceed with.

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Go to sleep proud, for you are now apparently the GOP's chosen leader via straw poll!

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hahahahaha I'm not gay, but bro-mances are hilarious

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What?? No homosexuality in this thread? We need to fix this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't get it, what's the HUGE deal with open-world games. Linear is perfectly fine with me if it's fun. I could never play a game like Oblivion where there's a billion less-than-engaging sidequests everywhere, so much so that you feel like you're just doing random stuff in the game. I remember in Dragon Age and Mass Effect (which were fairly streamlined so I appreciated this a bit), all the sidequests were pretty much the same to the point where I didn't even read the reason for me to go somewhere - I just went, killed stuff, and it said I completed the quest... do this a thousand times and it gets lame.

I'm looking forward to the extremely polished but apparently linear FFXIII (though I hear it opens up a bit midway).

Back to Bioshock, I never finished the first one... playing it right now actually, it's pretty good. Kinda dragging on a bit, they keep saying RYAN IS JUST OVER THE CORNER, and bam, another dungeon before I meet him. Saw the second one though, looks great albeit a bit too familiar.

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Looks like there's a chance that the public-option MIGHT come back, and pass with reconcilliation - the thing I've been hoping for since the beginning. The health care summit is on the 25th; my prediction: Republicans show up, their proposals fail to meet coverage/cost reduction parameters set by Obama, Dems realize there is NO OPTION but the PUBLIC OPTION via reconiclliation!

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Oh and, also I didn't know your name and didn't wanna scream NEMESIS outside the window...lol
hahahahaha, I'd definitely turn my head and notice if anyone thru that word around

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P.S, I saw you once XxNemesis29xX with your brother, but just stared because I felt it was impossible to actually see someone from the internet on a rare chance from the same state. I'm 80% sure it was you though, this was some years back.
Whaaaat? Really? Haha, that's awesome, you should have come and said hey! Where was this? UAB? I once heard one of my friends saw some kid playing my game in the library, we never found the mystery kid again.

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