Maybe you just didn't support your arguments well and didn't mention about the incidents when it did.
For many, christmas is not a time for joy and cheer, but obligation. Not everybody can afford the money christmas demands on them, and for them to have to use that money to purchase goods that people might not even appreciate instead of using it more wisely for their own benefit (like bolstering or creating a savings account) is rather disconcerting.That's why I burn CD's for everyone!
you're so dumb I feel like I'm getting stupider by reading your post.How is it not fact that community colleges are worse than real colleges? State colleges are a good point, and I don't know why I forgot to differenciate, but state colleges are still like 10 grand a year for tuition, which is considerably more than community colleges. The problem still is that if you can't afford a state school then community colleges are a shitty alternative. I mean, going down from a private to a state college with minimal loss in quality isn't a bad step so yeah my bad for not pointing out that part.
first off is this belief you've created that going to a private institution to guarantee a better education is reality. I mean, I didn't think anyone fucking believed this. George W. Bush went to Yale, does this not tell you that maybe it isn't because he wanted...the best education? maybe status has something to do with it? then you've got some dichotomy of private vs community. did you forget the majority of colleges are neither? and that some of the finest minds ever come out of and teach at state universities?
and yeah he's gonna diss you for assuming your parents pay for your education always. many many people do not get the benefit you (I'm assuming) and I had (and I still had to apply for a lot of scholarships, grants, and workstudy programs)! he didn't "put down" anyone, he said there's a group of people who don't get the same benefit. you took that as free reign to come in here and bloviate about how you just "gave a shit" and therefore went to a private school because you could afford paying a good year's salary every semester to pay for a set of new lawn jockeys on the campus.
here's the best part; you wasted your time. you do not get a better education coming out of undergrad from anywhere. its almost all the same. a private high school will teach you more. but you'll be marginally above a community college student and indistinguishable from a public university student with regards to how much you've learned. the benefit, aside from the status, is how it looks for graduate schools and degrees. and that's where the fancy professors go and teach. your university may have a rep of creating the finest engineers in the world but it's the teacher's aide getting paid 8.50 an hour who actually gives you the lecture, they save the real teachers for the real students.
lastly the tuition is just to keep the poorer kids out, not to sustain the university. the private universities live on donations, and they want only richer kids with richer parents to become richer alumni who will pay out the ass for a new library when their own rich kid comes up for undergrad.
Are you a delusional upper-middle-class suburban kid because nearly everyone I know pays for their own schooling and has to work really hard to stay afloatNow what the fuck does this mean? You know you're putting down every single student who actually gives a shit about their education enough to try to go to a private school rather than a community college because....i don't know....maybe the education there is just better?!? And of course its fucking expensive, which is why we need our parents to chip in the majority. It seems that there's a vicous cycle present because those who can afford to go to expensive colleges have an advantage in that they actually have the money available. And it sucks that the majority of people our age either go to shitty colleges where neither students nor teachers care or don't go at all, but thanks for insulting those who got a decent hand dealt to them by upper-middle-class suburban living situations.
is SUNN )) posty.metqal?no that's like drone metal....didn't we have thi conversation a couple months ago..........though jdging by the misspelling of words i asume its sarcasm, but just to be safe.
chinese democracy will never come out bwa...bwahahaha.
Axl Rose has been promising the imminent release of Guns N' Roses' Chinese Democracy ever since he looked like this (pictured). So most fans become properly skeptical whenever Billboard publishes an article like this one, claiming that Chinese Democracy will finally (no, really!) be released on Nov. 23. This time, though, there's some indication that the news is for real.
they fucking suck dude.that's a well articulated point accompanied by researched facts to back it up with. can't argue with that logic!