so like apparently there are no level ups and you get fully recovered after every battle? is there even any stat/character micromanagement and if so is there even a point if you get fully healed after every battle? someone wanna tell me why they even bothered making this an rpg? it seems more like it wants to be an adventure game but with a shitty rpg battle system tacked on almost as an afterthought.
Ughh get out of here, this is more Final FUCKEDUPsy than anything else. It's like the creators gave everything that could be wrong, and has so far led us to believe us that it's legitimately a part of the game for a cruel joke. But, unforunately this isn't a joke, it's a scary reality in which FF has just turned to shit in order to appease masses who gravitate towards playing the game on their 50" 1080p with cutting edge technology rather than focusing on the finer points of RPG stardom. Square just no longer cares about the quality of the games they pump out, and their creations are becoming more and more of a cookie-cutter modern day RPG than a game which is worthy to be a part of the series.
What really irks me is the question that I really want to be answered "What is running through the game developers heads when they go through with a game like this?" This is an indie game making community of all places and I see the standards set higher than this more often than you would like to think. Do they honestly not notice the griping linearity, the lack of quality/innovative systems, the features which should be there but clearly aren't? In some areas of the game they clearly hand you a win, and in others they really make you ask yourself "Why, god no this is a horrible idea" and may amp up the difficulty but for all the wrong reasons(e.g. one character dying leads to the demise of the entire party - in other words its game over.)
I truly think that the quality of the Final Fantasy games was at it's peak at FFVI-FFVI then slowly descended, with each game in the series that is made. The quality has dwindled steadily with each subsequent game in the series. In fact, I think that FFX was the last FF that I was able to stomach, with it's sequel(FFX-II) Being an absolute abomination. And despite the general high appraisal of FFXII, I wasn't able to stand it for very long. Although I cant give you any reasons now seeing as how I never gave it the light of day after a few hours, I can easily pick out each aspect of FFXIII that has led me feeling disgusted to where the series has turned.