A. Nah, I'm terrible. Always trying to improve though. This is classing music as what I do, because music is all I that matters to me. I find my stuff derivative, and while I do enjoy listening to it, I am my harshest critic. Though recently started learning piano/keyboard (as in on monday) and am picking it up quite fast, I mean, I'll never be Art Tatum, but being able to bang out some standards is enough of a target (and can already do Let It Be and House Of the Rising Sun) for now. I still regard myself as a guitarist above all, tend to play more Acid Mothers Temple style freeform expressiveness, though starting to lean towards combining it with Alan Holdsworth's kinda angular approach. I'm also been writting more songs as opposed to instrumental. My lyrics aren't good by any means, but that's something that will improve. My current project is based around the lazy half-formed kinda throw away style of 78-81 era punk, so I'm bitching about the banality of life. Musically though it's being so heavily distorted so that the music looses a lot of it's clarity behind this sizzling texture. I'm aiming for like Metal Machine Music meets The Damned, but I think it'll end up sounding like a 13 year old's first recording.
Q. If you could go on a romantic date with any of the U.S Presidents, which one would it be and why?