well, a great converter is Irfranview.,but it's not really a paint program.That's the other one I was thinking of but couldn't remember the name.
Yeah Dust I'm kind of curious why you'd assume it was some sort of scam/hoax instead of just a youtube error, considering youtube does this a LOT.I didn't mean it like that. It just seemed funny that he posted a screenshot that obviously didn't match up what the actual video was. I mean, why would you post a link to the video when it was obviously messed up? Personally I would have noticed the video issue and then fixed it before even linking to it. For the record I've been uploading videos to Youtube for 4 years now and I've never experienced such a problem, so that never really crossed my mind.
Soerry about that, Dust. Youtube uber failed on me, the video got stuck at 92% done processing and never went farther. I tried like 6 more ties, finally got one to upload! Here it is.Ah, I see. Well in that case I retract my previous statement. Sorry about that.
(b) the perspective is correct as the roof of the train is curved and you can see a bit more than half of it.You can see a bit of it, but not enough. You should be able to see much more of it from that angle.
I think, he meant it in the red squares. These transitions between graphics on the walls.I noticed this too. Mainly the one at the center of the bottom with the curly wall parts. The other ones are fine. It's certainly not terribly, but just something that needs to be polished up a little bit.
Anyone know if you can register this on steam like they eventually did for the first Humble Indie Bundle?Actually, for this one you cannot yet.
By the way, am I the only one who finds it weird that the display isn't connected entirely on the back? Makes it look kind of retro.Yeah but I think they make it look decent enough. That back part might make it impossible to angle the screen back very far though. It looks like it can go pretty far back in the pictures, but in some situations you might want it to go farther back.
you're the worst person ever with computers given how many problems you keep having.=(